Chapter 6: The Mission

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Tess's POV

The next morning, I feel something smack me in the face and quickly sit up in bed. "What in the hell.."

I look around the room and flinch as a very annoyed laya looks down at me on the bed. "Morning sunshine. Fun night?"

My face turns red as the women around me begin to stir. "Mmm it's too early .."

"Why so loud?"

"Come back to bed baby.."

I feel their hands gliding along my half naked body but I'm not interested in them in the slightest.

Laya scoffs and heads for the door as I scramble to get out of bed. "Laya wait! Hold on!"

I throw on some pants and rush after her.

I find her leaning against my desk and sigh. "I'm sorry you had to see that it's just-"

she holds her hand up to silence me. "I don't care. I've got a mission and I need you to sign off on it."

I frown a little as I open up the folder. "Wow wow wow what mission? I don't remember getting any calls."

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest as I look over the information. "It called in this morning. Your secretary called me because she said that you were "indisposed" at the moment."

She holds up air quotes as she says the last part and I clear my throat from embarrassment.

God on the one night I decided to have them over, she happens to come in. I look over everything and realize that this is a pretty big deal.

There's a drug lord that has been instituting children into his ring in order to get more drugs into schools. It even says that once the kids are old enough, he sells them off to any rich man or woman that wants them.

A real sick bastard.

The cops can't get anything concrete on him, and the guy has more security than the president.

Getting to him won't be that easy, and it definitely won't be pretty. "This is a pretty high risk mission laya. Are you sure you guys-"

She shoots me a glare and I quickly shut my mouth. "Excuse me? Are you doubting my training?" She asks, her eyes boring into my soul.

I quickly shakes my head and signs the agreement before she rips my head off.

As soon as I raise the pen off the paper, she grabs the folder and storms out the door. "Hey, be careful!"

She waves her hand and closes the door behind her.

I sigh and rub my temple as I plop down into the chair behind her desk.

I know how skilled she is and the team has improved tremendously, but I still worry.

Maybe I'll tag along, just to be safe.

Night time has fallen and as I watch from afar as her and her team close in on the target, I feel nervous yet excited at the same time.

I know she will be upset with me for following her but I just want to make sure that things go smoothly.

Let's Think of it as a field evaluation.

I am still technically her boss.

I perch myself up on a high tree and watch as she leads her team inside.

Suddenly, the entire establishment goes dark. I smirk as I start to realize her plan.

She must have had someone back into the security system. I pump my fist a little. "That's my girl. Good thinking."

That's exactly what I would have done in the situation, but knowing this guy, that hack won't last too long.

Soon, They easily make their way into the main hall, and dispatch the target.

I smile as she signals for everyone to leave but it quickly fades when I see one of her members trip a sensor as the lights turn back on. "Oh fuck."

Suddenly, men are coming for them in all directions and I begin to panic. "No no no..."

I leap from the tree and land on the rooftop of one of the buildings.

The sound of metal clanging and blood curdling screams ringing in my ear as I search for her within the crowd.

I'm about to join the fight when I realize that most of the guards have already fallen.

I watch as Laya's body moves with such elegance and grace as she takes down each man with a single blow. She wields a single blade against their swords and guns but dodges everything with ease.

Her team follows her lead, mimicking her moves but not as skillfully.

I'm not trying to say that they were bad, but they weren't the best I had to offer either. However I hired them for a reason.

I saw potential but it needed to be brought out of them.

Now I see, that Laya has done just that. The way they are all moving in sync with each other makes me so proud.

I have to remember to tell them when we all get back.

I watch as one of the guards is about to strike one of her teammates but before he can land the final blow, laya throws a dart from across the room and it lodges into the side of the man's head, killing him instantly.

This split second that she was distracted, someone came up from behind her and tried to slice her with a sword but she dodged it just in time, only receiving a slight cut on her arm.

My blood boiled as I wanted nothing more than to rip his heart out of his chest, but before I could make any sudden moves, she round house kicked him in the head, breaking his neck. "Damn. That did not feel good."

Once they have an opening, she signals for everyone to leave and they dive into the woods, making a hasty escape.

I release the breath I was holding and lean against the wall as I watch them disappear from view. "Well, I guess I was all worked up for nothing."

The mission was a success, I know my night isn't over. I can feel her anger continuing to grow, even as she gets farther away from here.

She knows I was watching. I can feel it.

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