Chapter Eight: My Least Favorite Way to Crash a Date ~Zeldon~

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I opened the door to my dorm with a wicked grin on my face, and it wasn't because I'd swapped all Nico's shampoo with white (washable) paint. Not this time at least. That was pretty great... well except for the part where he poured it on my favorite quadracross card pack, which unlike the paint wasn't washable. Overreaction much?

"So... did you hear about this mysterious secret admirer of Aylee's?" I asked, crossing my arms and sitting down behind Nico, who was seemingly busy with his Elvish homework.

"What?!" Nico asked, clearly bluffing. I smirked wider.

"Mhm, Mr. Lovebird it appears you have some com-pa-tition," I jeered.

"It's not like that Zeldon! I don't like Aylee!" He said, his cheeks getting a shade of red from the embarrassment he most likely wouldn't have wanted his one true love to see him in.

"Oh you're just saying that since you're simmering in jealousy," I joked, "They left a note in Aylee's notebook. They had more guts than you and asked her out." I wiggled my eyebrows. Nico narrowed his.

"I don't want to ask her out," Nico growled.

"Well it appears you already have," I said.

"What?" Nico asked again.

"You better start getting ready soon or you'll miss your date with the Queen of Kicking Shins. The lady of Loud complaints. The-" I was cut off by Nico, it was too bad too cause I had a few more insults coming.

"What are you talking about?" Nico asked.

"Oh please," I poked, quite literally at him, "You wrote the note in Aylee's locker didn't you? Ya little love bird. I don't approve of your taste, but I have to admit you've got style. You weren't very good at hiding it though, I figured it out pretty easily."

I made kissing noises and was pushed away by a very annoyed, angry, and embarrassed Nico, "Seriously Zeldon, I don't know anything about this note you're talking about."

I stopped making kissy noises and pretended to bat my eyes, "Oh Nico, It's me, Aylee your true love! Aren't I so pretty with my creepy powers and my annoying, always angry face."

"You're an idiot," Nico sighed.

"You're in denial," I said.

"And you're impossible," he grunted.

"Why thank you," I said, putting my hand over my heart. "I feel the same way about you."

Nico muttered something under his breath and asked, "Zeldon, just tell me what this note is all about."

"I already did," I said, "You wrote a note to Aylee asking her to come to the quadracross fields, at 8."

"The quadracross fields? Eight? That's in a few minutes?" Nico shouted jumping up, "Is Aylee actually going to go there? Who knows what the elf who wrote that wants with her! We have to go find her! She might be getting herself into trouble."

I paused the flow of funny comments about to come out of my mouth and nearly choked on them, "Wait... You didn't write the note?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

"So then who did?" I said jumping up to my feet.

"We're going to find out!" Shouted Nico who was already at the door.

"Time to crash a date!" I said, "I call the third wheel!"

We ran down the hallway feet pounding a frantic beat. Finally we get to do some fun stuff, I thought.

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