Chapter Seven: The Mysterious Weirdo-Note-Guy ~Aylee~

Start from the beginning

So was this just a trick? Did I come out here for nothing? If I ever find out who wasted my time-

My thoughts were interrupted by a sickly sweet voice coming from behind me.

"Well look who actually decided to come! I gotta say, I didn't think you would actually show up,"

I whipped around and standing in front of me were two very familiar figures.

Ash Summers and Jace Relson.

I fought to hold down the slight smile that started to rise on my face when I locked eyes with my childhood best friend.

"Ash. Jace. To what do I owe the displeasure of your visit?" I ask in a sarcastic tone.

"Good to see you again too, Ales," He said. I flinch slightly when he says my old nickname before sending him a stone-cold glare.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." I say, my voice darkening with every word. His smirk only grows.

"Aw, why not?" He teases. "It hasn't been that long, has it?"

"It's been long enough-" Ash interrupts our bickering with a loud scoff.

"Oh please," She says, disgust laced in her voice. "You two can sort out whatever personal problems you have later. Right now, let's get back to doing what we came here for, yeah?" As she says the last word, she holds out her hand and makes a small ball of blue flames appear in her palm. I gulp and take a step back. Ash lets out a small, sinister laugh at my frightened state.

"What? Afraid of a little fire?" She teases, taking a step closer. I regain myself and send her a glare that could kill.

"Not in the slightest."

Jace rolls his eyes, "No need to be so dramatic, Ash,"

"What?" She asks in a fake pout, "Is this not what you imagined when we talked about this before?"

"No, it's just-"

"Shut up, Jace," Ash rolls her eyes at him before focusing her gaze back to me, stepping forward once more with the bright blue flame dancing in the palm of her hand.

Jace mumbles something inaudible under his breath before his face contorts into a stony expression

"Why am I even here?" I say, leaning away slightly but not backing up as Ash inches closer to me. A dark, mischievous smile creeps onto her face.

"You really think you could come in here and expect to run free? If that's the case, this should give you a nice wake-up call."

She was right in front of me now, to the point where I could feel the heat radiating from the flame. I try to take a step back, only to realize that I'm being held in place by a strong gust of wind. I look over at Jace to see him with his eyes closed and his arms outstretched.

Why you little–

"Admit that you shouldn't be here. That you're a freak. That you're worthless," She snarls.

I have the nerve to choke out a laugh. "And why would I do that?"

"Unless you want a decorative scar on the side of your neck for the rest of your pathetic life, I suggest you do."

"Sorry, it's not going to happen. Actually, I'm not sorry at all," I say, gathering up the cockiest tone I can muster.

I feel the sharp lick of flame on the side of my neck, and pinch my eyes closed, preparing for the searing pain that would surely follow closely behind. A large gust of wind comes out of nowhere, but I don't dare to open my eyes.

I waited.

And waited.

Seconds ticked by, and the pain never came as the heat faded. I hesitantly pried open my eyes and took in the scene in front of me.

Jace and Ash were on their backs a few yards away, and Nico was next to me, panting slightly. After a few more seconds, his gaze turns to me.

"Are you ok?" He asks gently.

I cross my arms. "I had it under control."

Actually, I didn't, but he doesn't need to know that.

His brow raises in a questioning arch, but before he could protest Jace and Ash were on their feet.

"What was that for?" Ash demands, crossing her arms.

"What do you mean? You were about to–"

"I know what I was about to do, but why do you care? What's it to you?"

Nico stays quiet, not able to find the right words to answer her question.

"C'mon Nico, what's gotten into you recently?" Jace provoked, slightly annoyed. "Since when do you care about someone you barely know?"

"I know enough. More than you, at least." Nico speaks through gritted teeth. A victorious smirk appears on Jace's face.

"You sure about that?"

Both of them glance in my direction, and I stay quiet, letting the death glare I'm sending towards Jace speak for me.

"You don't know the first thing about this freak," He continues. "Not her strengths, weaknesses, not to mention the abnormal amount of daddy issues–"

"Yeah, but I'm not the only one with that, am I?" I fire back at him. He pauses for a second, something dark passing over his features before it's gone again.

"The point is, you don't have a point in defending this freak. Her and her little 'friends' will never fit in, so why bother pretending? I get that the headmaster asked you to but you don't have to do everything he says, now do you?"

Wait what?

Nico looks down slightly guilty, and I open my mouth to tell him a few things that would definitely get me kicked out of this school, but my ranting is cut short by a booming voice coming over from behind me.

"What is going on here?!" Headmaster Rieson exclaimed in a stern voice.

"Well Headmaster I–"

He raises a hand, cutting Ash off.

"I saw enough. Detention for the both of you," He points to Jace and Ash, "And Nico, take Aylee back up to her dorm."

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't need an escort." I protest as Nico gestures for me to follow him.

Headmaster Rieson smirks slightly. "Trust me, Aylee, I know."

Without another word, the two of us make our way back inside the school.

"I didn't need your help back there," I say to Nico as we walk down the deserted hallways.

"A simple 'thank you' wouldn't hurt, you know,"

"Knowing me, it might." He sighs in defeat.

"Why did you go in the first place?"

I roll my eyes. "I'll let you figure that out. Curiosity? Boredom?"

"I was going to say recklessness or impulse, but those two work as well."

I almost smiled at that. Almost.

"Last I checked, I never asked for a babysitter. Or for you to care in the first place." We stopped in front of my dorm.

He smiles, "You didn't have to."

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