The two got up from the table. Caesar held Katelyn against him as they started to walk to the library. They reached the doors within a few minutes and Katelyn took a deep breath before pushing open the doors. As she walked inside, Katelyn took in the library that had to house thousands of books. "Is there a catalog of some sort," Katelyn asked Caesar. "I don't know, I've never actually be in this library. I wonder if there is a bookkeeper or librarian here." As they walked towards the large desk in the center of the entryway, a little old man came up to the desk and said, "Ah, Lord and Lady Drisdall, how can I be of assistance tonight." "We are looking for books on the ancient gods and the furies. Do you know if there are any here," Katelyn asked. "There are quite a few in our historical section. Would you like me to show you to it?" "Yes, please. Caesar is going to rest while I do some reading if that's alright." "Of course, Lord Caesar, make yourself at home. Find a comfy couch to rest on. There are many." "Thanks... uh... sorry. I didn't catch your name." "That's alright. My name is Bernard. I'm one of Balandor's scholars." "Thank you, Bernard." With that, Katelyn walked with Bernard to the historical shelves. "So, what information are you looking for exactly? It may be able to help me narrow down books for you to read." "I'm looking for the history of the furies, their powers, their lives. I'm just really interested in the subject." "Let's see. I should have a few books on the Furies. Let me fetch a ladder really quick." With that, Bernard grabbed a rolling ladder and quickly grabbed eight books from the shelves. Katelyn's arms quickly became overloaded by the heavy books, but Bernard told her, "This is all the books we have here. If there is anything else I can help you, please let me know." "Thank you, Bernard. You have been a great help." With that, Katelyn made her way across the library to find where Caesar sat. She saw him laying on a couch near the entryway, so she brought her book pile over and sat it next to the couch. She then lifted Caesar's legs and sat, placing his legs in her lap. "You find anything good," Caesar mumbled in his half-asleep state. "A few. Go to sleep. I'm going to be reading for a while." "Okay. I love you," he said. "I love you, too," she whispered to him. As he fell asleep, Katelyn opened the first book and began to read. Katelyn made her way through the first book and the second. She was partway through the third when her eyes began to feel heavy and closed. She tried to fight sleep, but it took her anyways. She finally drifted off with the books still in her lap while partially leaning on Caesar.

A few hours later, Katelyn awoke to the sound of a book slamming shut. She realized that she was laying on the couch that she had fallen asleep on and that Caesar was working on the fourth book. Eldore was across the room reading another. Upon noticing her awake, Caesar smiled and said, "Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?" "Like the dead," Katelyn said after sitting up. "Did you move me this morning?" "Actually, I woke up to you lying beside me this morning. You must have moved in your sleep." Katelyn made a small humming noise and said, "So, let's go over what we've found out so far. I finished reading two books last night and a part of a third. I learned a lot about their history. There were three sisters who were daughters of the Earth, born to punish sinners. The first sister was Allecto, the second Tisiphone, and the third Megaera. Allecto was the leader of the three sisters. Her role was to punish those with unceasing anger by punishing the body. The second sister's role was to avenge murder and affect the mind. The third sister's role was to punish those who held grudges or were jealous of others and affect the soul. It is said that they were immortal, older than the earth itself and that the only things that could kill them were the gods and their weapons. They also had superhuman agility, speed, strength, and healing. They were recorded as being able to fly and shapeshift. They could choose to live a human life, die, and return to the Underworld to be reborn if they so wished it, but none of them ever did. They were killed by Emperor Madora's weapon, his sceptor, which was said to be crafted with magic of the gods. So, his weapon is the only thing that can truly kill me aside from the five Knights, which were also crafted with magic of the gods. It says that the Furies were injured badly enough to kill a normal man many times, but even when they were disemboweled or dismembered, they would not die. They would heal quickly and exact revenge. So, after all this reading, I still don't have many answers to my questions. What did you guys find?" Eldore said, "The book I am reading is actually a journal written by one of the Furies during her lifetime. The entries date over a hundred years. So far, it doesn't talk much about powers, but of the struggles of the immortality she faced. What have you got, Caesar?" "I've got information on their powers, but not exact spells or incantations. It's more just explanations of their abilities. Maybe we should try to do some training to see if Katelyn is capable of any of the powers on the list." "If you do, I would keep it to your private chambers. We don't want the whole castle to know about the powers she is unlocking." "Agreed. Katelyn, would you like to return to our chambers. We can bring the rest of the books we haven't read." "That's fine. Eldore, do you mind if I steal that book from you? Nothing against you. I'm just a fast reader." "Here you are. Go get some rest. I will meet with Yulie and Sapphire to discuss our next course of action." Katelyn said a quick thanks and took the books. She picked up the few she was still reading and told Caesar she would meet him in their room in few minutes. She headed up to the desk to ask about borrowing them. Bernard was still at the desk and said, "Lady Drisdall. So good to see you this morning. Were the books to your liking?" "They were. I absolutely love history and the lore in these books was amazing. Do you mind if I take the few I didn't finish to read and bring them back when I'm finished?" "Of course. Let me just write down their numbers on my log and you can be on your way." "Thank you, Bernard. You've been a great help." Bernard took the books and logged them then handed them back and said, "Happy reading. I'll see you soon." "You as well. Take care." With that, Katelyn left the library to take the books back to her and Caesar's chambers.

A Miracle for Love (Caesar Drisdall from The White Knights Chronicles)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora