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Y/n's pov

After everything had happened, we went home as I saw Mina was completely avoiding me but i kept my focus on my son that was still a little frightened by everything

Soon after we got home as I was about to go upstairs when someone spoke

"Guys so are we still going to the arcade?" Mark said which I wasn't told about the arcade

"Sure, we came to leave the things we bought" Chen said which I was extremely tired and didn't wanna go

"Guys I think ima stay" I said which they all looked at me and understood that I was tired

"Appa but I wanna go" Soobin said which I sighed when jihyo spoke

"Y/n we can take soobin with us and leave you here to rest" She said but I wasn't so sure

"And we will look out for soobin, maybe even buy him one of those children backpack leashes" Jennie said which I chuckled and looked down at soobin, he looked at me waiting for my answer which I sighed and nodded

"Alright but this time, soobin you need to stay right with them, okay?" I said as I bent down his level which he smiled and nodded

"Go have fun bud" I said which soobin ran to Irene

"Have a good rest y/n" Namjoon said which everyone said the same as I thanked them and headed upstairs

Instead of laying in bed I went to the balcony as I stayed there feeling the air when I heard the door open, I looked back and saw that Mina had entered which I thought she also went to the arcade

"Mina? What are you doing here, I thought you went wi-" I started saying as I went back inside but couldn't finish when she slapped me

"Why the hell did you get back with me if you were only gonna lie to me?" She said angrily which i looked at her confused

"What are you talking about?" I said in confusion which she sarcastically scoffed

"You again with Irene, I texted you and called you tryna find you so we can find soobin but instead I found you and Irene hugging with soobin like the nice family you guys are" She said sarcastically which I looked at her even more confused and even pissed

"Im sorry? If I didn't answer your text and calls was cause I was tryna find my goddamn son, and I told everyone to find my child which me and irene found each other before we found soobin. Also about the calls, you fucking left with that kang guy which when did you even realize soobin was lost? 30 minutes after. 30 fucking minutes mina" I said which she ran her fingers through her hair as she sighed

"I've told you multiple times mina, there is nothing going on with me and Irene" I said but it seemed like something in her had snapped

"Really? Then why the hell are you guys always together, why the hell are you guys the perfect little family when you are with someone else, why the hel-" I didn't let her finished when I snapped

"CAUSE YOU WERENT FUCKING THERE" I said which she was taken aback but I wasn't holding back this time

"When you fucking left me, who was there? Irene. When you came back and lied to me, who was there? Irene. When you fucking cheated on me, who was there mina? Not you, definitely not you but Irene, she was always there for me and where the hell were you? Tell me where the fuck were you after all those times you hurt me? Instead of becoming a better person you just played with me one time after the other" I said which I was livid on how she was now trying to come after me even after all she did to me

"Do you not understand? You hurt me multiple times mina and all I did was give you another chance, what would have happened if I didn't come to bambam's house when you were fucking him?" I said which it seemed to have hit her now that she had messed up even more

"I came to my senses" She said but I only laughed in despair

"Came to your senses? No you fucking didn't cause you should have came to your senses when he first tried to make a move on you" I said which she sighed and looked at me with guilt in her eyes

"You still obviously have something with Irene" She said which only made me laugh even more, was she really this tense?

"Oh my fucking god Mina, you are delusional cause I've told you so many times and I've never done shit, while you? How many times have you hurt me? Let's see, so we have when you left years ago, when you came back and lied straight to my face, then when you cheated and almost full on fucked the guy you lied about to me. I haven't done anything but take you in again while you are making up things that aren't true" I said which tears came to her eyes but I didn't care, I was done and I finally realized how messed up mina is

"And now you are off with another guy, if you would have stayed maybe soobin wouldn't have gotten lost, but I'm not putting the blame on you cause it was me" I said as I looked away and sighed but Mina broke down crying

"Listen I can't do this anymore, I feel like the best is to break it off, officially" I said which her eyes widen as she immediately started to beg while her tears kept running down but I was cold as ice

"Y/n please, I know I messed up but I truly love you" She said which I let out a sarcastic chuckle

"I won't believe it anymore myoui mina, find someone to trade rooms with cause I don't want you in here anymore" I said which she dropped to the floor begging for me not to do it but my decision was final, I wasn't gonna do this anymore

I backed away as I exited the room and went outside where I finally broke down

I loved her so much but she was also hurting me too much

This whole relationship seemed toxic so it needed to come to an official end

I don't care how much it hurts right now

I know later on I'll get over it but the thing that's also gonna hurt me...

Is explaining to soobin that his "Eomma" isn't his eomma anymore... once again..


Hello people 👋 :)

So this is a bit short but I didn't want to put it along with the rest of what I have planned but... things are gonna change

The unexpected (or maybe some people have expected it) is going to happen

But I hoped you somehow enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes if any were made

Have a good day or night and take care :)

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