Chapter One

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 'The heart wants what it wants'

I take slow strides down the dark alley studying my surroundings. The walls are old and coated in graffiti. The smell of urine hits my nose making me scrunch my face in disgust. My hand gripping the briefcase in my hand for dear life. My other hand clinging on to my coat trying to block out the cold air blowing in my face. The weather is daring today. Dark clouds hugging the sky with hints of rains drops falling occasionally decorating the floor with little pocker dots.

People decided to hide away from the angry storm looking to brew, but my business could not wait another day to be done. It had to be done as in yesterday. Time and I weren't really friends. It waited for no one and I had no patience to wait either. The cold didn't bother me cause the fire in my heart kept me warm. It never ceased to fade even for a second. I maybe stone cold, but my heart is flaming up in rage. Finally I made to the end of the alley. I make my way up the old dark and stuffy stairs. The temperature is a bit warm here as it is stuffy. I take three flights of stairs before I reach my end point.

I make my way down the hall way of old looking apartments. This is the scary part of town. Most gangsters do their business here and this place is always filled with police due to people "magically" dying. I say magically because no one ever knows any thing about it when the police officers ask questions. Mostly because they are afraid of the person who did it and as we all know "snitches get stitches". My tracks halt in front of door number 57. My destination. My colds knuckles connect with the door in a light knock.

If I knock hard he might think it's the police and he will shoot even before he can confirm that it's not them and I am currently not looking for war against these babies. I deal with real hard core people not these street thugs thinking they are everything. Forever comes and goes before I finally hear foot steps making their way to the door.

"Who is it?" he asks in a rusty voice.

"It's me" I reply sassily. I know it's a stupid answer but he has no business in knowing my name. It's not like he will know who I am even if I had told him my name. The door handle creeks open revealing a very tall fat looking figure.

"Oh it's you" he states. See I told you that it was me.

He makes way for me and I walk inside. The room is dark and smelling of something I can't make out. He looks as if he hasn't seen water since he was birthed to, but he surely didn't forget to eat judging by the crumbs on his face and his big belly sticking out in front. He shuts the door blocking the cold fresh air from making it's way inside. His eyes lingers on my brief case.

"Is that mine?" he asks pointing at the briefcase.

"Yes. Now bring me my sugar and you will get your candy" I demand looking at him straight in the eye.

As smile rises on his face revealing unbrushed yellow teeth. I follow behind him as he makes his way to the dining room. This guy lives like a God damn pig. I feel dirty for even being in this place. He opens his safe under the mate and takes out a briefcase. I stride towards him as he places it on the table and opens it. A smirk grows on my face as my eyes land on the firearms. All different kinds of grenades, guns, snipers, knifes.

"My money" he demands. The smile on his face no where to be seen. It's all fun and games when you are still talking, but as soon as it comes to money all games aside the only talking to be done is by actions. I place the briefcase next to his and open it up. His smile is quickly replaced as he sees his joy maker.

"Is all of it here?" he asks.

"Yes it's all there and there's 10 grand extra" I assure him before making my way out without a good bye. I am not a fan of small talk. The rain is falling a bit furiously than before. I cross the street and make my way inside my car. It's warm here since I had left the heater on. I place the heavy briefcase at the back and make my way to my apartment. Upon my arrival I place the briefcase on top of the kitchen counter and take a hot shower.

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