Escaping Jurassic Park

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Timmy!" Lex shrieked. Alan reached down and listened to his breath, or lack thereof. "He's not breathing." Alan said and I felt my heart drop. Alan started to try and resuscitate Timmy.

Lex was sobbing. "Tim!" Alan yelled, doing chest compressions. I tried to fight the tears I felt building. Don't let him be dead, please. "No, Tim!" Alan yelled. I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

A small cough made them fly back open. Timmy was coughing. "Good boy." Alan said and grabbed Tim into a hug. "Three." Timmy said and Alan and I laughed.

Alan carried Tim back to the visitor center. I was never happier to be back here. It was shelter at least. "Hello?" Alan and I called as we walked in. We walked into the room with multiple tables.

"Okay. I'm going to have to find the others. Get you to a doctor." Alan said as he sat Timmy down in a chair. "I'm going with you, Alan." I told him. "Lex, you look after Tim." Alan told her.

"Yeah." Lex said, sitting down too.

"Your hair is all sticking up. Big Tim, the human piece of toast." Alan remarked, looking at Timmy fondly before walking off. "We'll be back soon. We promise." I told them as I followed Alan out.

Only after we were out of eyesight of the kids, did I finally let the tears pour down my cheeks. "God I hope Ellie's okay." Alan said. "And Ian." I said quietly.

It was then I heard Ellie's voice. Alan and I both looked back to see Ellie running towards us, limping on one of her ankles. "Ellie!" I yelled as she hugged Alan.

"Oh my God! What happened?" Alan asked her, seeing her ankle. "The Raptors were after me." She told him. "The Raptors are out?" Alan asked in a scared voice. "Yes." Ellie said and I felt terrified too. Had we made it this far to die anyway?

The Raptors were just as deadly as the T Rex. We made our way to the emergency bunker, and that's when I saw him.

"Ian!" I yelled, rushing towards him and pulling him into a hug. He winced, but hugged me back. "Oh sorry." I said, realizing he was injured. "God, I thought you were dead." I told him sadly. "You can't get rid of me that easily." He said, pushing a strand of hair back.

Alan cocked a rifle then, bringing my attention back to him. I grabbed Ian's hand. I didn't want to let him go. "Just the two Raptors, right?" He asked Ellie.

"You sure the third one's contained?" He continued. Ellie nodded. "Yes, unless they figure out how to open doors." Ellie remarked, and I was worried that was exactly what they were going to do.

"Oh my God. Lex and Timmy. They're out there with them." I said and John seemed terrified at this. "We got to go get them." Alan said and Ellie and I nodded. "I'm going." I told him. "Me too." Ellie said and Alan grabbed Ellie's hand and strode towards the door.

I was starting to follow when Ian grabbed my hand. "Be careful. Promise me." Ian told me and I sighed. "I promise." I said and then, without caring that Alan was probably watching, I kissed him quickly.

"Bye." I said and turned to follow Alan and Ellie from the bunker. We walked to the visitor center cautiously. When we walked in, Lex and Timmy ran out. Timmy enveloped Ellie in a hug, as did Lex with me.

"Thank God you're safe." I told them. Apparently that safety wasn't going to last very long. "Control room." Ellie said and we all rushed to the control room.

"We can call for help?" Lex asked Ellie, who had rushed over to the computer. "We've got to reboot the system first." Ellie told us. Alan and I closed the door, but I noticed, with a shock, that the door locks weren't working.

"The door locks! Ellie, boot up the door locks!" Alan told her. I gasped as I heard a roar from the other side of the door. Alan and I looked up to see the Raptor turning the door knob.

Ellie ran over and helped us try to keep the door closed while the Raptor tried to burst in. "Ellie, you've got to do the door locks!" I told her as I strained to hold the door. "You can't hold this by yourself!" Ellie told us.

I looked up and saw Lex had sat down at the computer. I remembered what she said earlier, about her being a hacker. I only hoped that came in handy now.

"Try and reach the gun!" Alan told us, but Ellie and I couldn't get it without moving from the door. "I can't get it unless I move!" Ellie shouted as the Raptor shoved its claws through the door, right beside Alan's hands.

Alan shoved the claw back through the door as we heard the doors lock. We all moved from the door in relief. "Lex! You're a genius!" I told her as Ellie and Alan looked amazed. "What works?" Alan asked her.

"All security systems are enabled. We got it!" Lex said happily. Alan picked up the phone and called John. "Mr. Hammond, the phones are working." Alan told him.

"The children are fine. Call the mainland. Tell them to send the damn helicopters." Alan said as we heard a loud scratching noise. The phone dropped. "It's gonna cut through the glass!" Ellie screamed.

Alan shot at the glass, then dropped the gun. "The ladder!" He yelled to me and I drug the ladder over. We all climbed into the venting system. Alan threw the ladder on the Raptors.

We crawled through and I jumped as Lex screamed. The Raptor had figured out where we were. It shoved her upward, putting his head in the vents. Alan kicked the Raptor and it fell through, taking Lex with it.

She barely hung onto the side as Alan pulled her up. "Move!" Alan yelled to us and we hurried until we reached another vent. Alan moved it to see the hanging dinosaurs in the front of the visitors center.

We hopped down onto the small lifts that were placed. I remembered seeing someone cleaning the dinosaurs from it. A roar told us the Raptor was right behind us. We all jumped onto the hanging dinosaurs.

I felt myself spin as the Raptor shoved the dinosaurs. Tim hopped down as the ceiling started to creak. The dinosaurs were going to fall. I screamed as I fell to the ground with a thud.

Ellie fell beside me and we helped each other up. I heard her gasp and followed her vision until I saw it. Another Raptor was looking right at us.

Alan grabbed the kids and held them behind him as another Raptor came to their side. We were trapped. We walked slowly backwards as the Raptor lunged for us. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain, but it never came.

I opened my eyes as I heard the T Rex roar. It had the Raptor caught in its teeth. We ran out of the door as the second Raptor attacked the T Rex.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw John and Ian had come for us in a gas powered Jeep. We all climbed into the Jeep. "After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park." Alan told John. "Do have I." John told us as he drove off.

I grabbed Ian's hand and squeezed it. I couldn't believe we might make it out of this alive. We made it to the helicopter and John carried Timmy, as Ellie did Lex. I helped Ian out of the car, because he was still hurt pretty bad.

Alan and I helped Ian into the helicopter, and I climbed in after him. I noticed John was taking one final look at the Park he'd wanted so badly to be great.

As the helicopter took off, I closed my eyes and just held Ian's hand. I looked over and saw Alan was holding both of the kids, making Ellie smile. It seems that Jurassic Park hasn't only changed me.

I had no idea what would happen after this. What we'd do next, but I knew one thing. I'd be forever changed by the events that had taken place.

As we landed the helicopter, and I stepped out into the blinding sun, I held tightly onto Ian. With my other hand, I grabbed Alan, and Alan grabbed Ellie. The four of us had come to this park not knowing what would happen. We'd thought we were simply going to give our endorsements.

Yet, we'd been forever altered by what we'd seen inside. I knew today that things would never be the same. It was frightening, and I was terrified, but I knew that if I had my family beside me, we'd make it.

I had no idea what to expect, no idea what to do now. I only knew one thing, one thing truly, with all of my soul. Jurassic Park would forever have a piece of me.

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