Hiccup in the Power

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The voice on the radio told us we were about to see a dilophosaurus. "Dilophosaurus?" Alan and I said excitedly and looked at the window eagerly. "Shit!" Ellie exclaimed. The cars continued but we didn't even see the dilophosaurus. I sat back, disappointed.

"Alan where?" Ellie asked my brother. Alan looked disappointed too. "Damn." He muttered. The cars continued down the track and I gasped in surprise as I saw that the sign said Tyrannosaur.

We all looked eagerly out the window, waiting to see the dinosaur. We didn't see anything at all, but still we waited.

I was leaning between Ian and Alan. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." Ian murmured.

"Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth." Ellie said and I laughed at the alarmed expressions on Ian and Alan's faces. "Hell yeah." I told Ellie with a grin.

"We'll try to tempt the Rex now." A man said over the radio.

I watched in alarm as a goat rose from a platform onto the grass. I felt sick again at what could happen to the goat. I felt even sicker when I saw the goat was chained to a pole. It had no hope.

We still waited for something to happen. A minute passed.

Two and then Alan sighed. "T Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt. You can't just suppress 65 million years of gut instinct." Alan told us. I noticed that it started to sprinkle. I sat back down as did Ellie and Alan.

Ian, though leaned forward until his face was in the camera. "Eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right?" Ian said tapping the camera. Ellie and I grinned at him, amused. "Hello? Yes?" Ian asked and sat back down.

"The Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. The essence of chaos." Ian said, drumming his hands on his knees. I grinned, deciding to play into his theory about chaos. "I'm still not clear on chaos." I told him with a smile. He looked at me eagerly, probably ready to explain it to me.

I noticed Ellie looking amused out of the corner of my eye. She knew I knew Chaos Theory fully, because I'd talked about it lots of times to her before. Alan just looked at Ian like he wanted to kill him.

Ian shifted his body, so he was facing me. "It's simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the Butterfly effect." He told me and I tried to make myself look very intrigued by this. "A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking and in Central Park you get rain instead of sunshine." He told me.

I made a motion like the words just flew over my head and he laughed. "Was I going too fast? I did a fly by." He told me and I nodded, with a grin. I saw Ellie's lips twitch. She was trying not to laugh at this. "Dr. Sattler, would you hand me that glass of water. We'll conduct an experiment." Ian said and Ellie reached for the glass and handed it to him. She turned in her seat so she could see it too.

He grabbed my hand. "Put your hand flat like a hieroglyphic." He told me and I did it, but mostly I was thinking of his hand on mine. "Now let's say a drop of water falls on your hand. Which way do you think the drop of water will roll off? Which finger?" He asked me. "Um, thumb I'd say." I told him, still concentrating on his hand.

Ian dropped a drop of water on my hand. It rolled down my thumb. "Okay, now freeze your hand. I'm going to do the same thing, start with the same place again." He told me and dropped another drop of water. I tried not to laugh as he gasped in mock surprise.

"It changed. Why? Because tiny variations-" he started, rubbing my hand with his thumb. I found myself unable to look away from him. "The orientation of the hairs on your hands-" he told me and Ellie looked surprised by this. "Alan look at this!" She said and I hoped Alan didn't look.

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