Chapter 22: It's Hard, Love

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I arrived at their table where they were laughing and chattering. They were interrupted by me as they said mute for a while. I lowered my back to put that tray and that damn Kevin spanked butt. I straightened my back spontaneously and looked at him with bewilderment. He sniggered at me.

"Oi!", Kavinsky snapped. "What the heck you're doing?"

"Calm down, Andrew. She's a slut-"

Oh no. I interrupted, "I'm not a slut so keep your intrusive thoughts inside your head only".

"Ohhh", he pulled me on his lap and I was taken aback. What the heck? "Do you wanna be my girlfriend then? I'll give you billions of dollars".

Kavinsky shoot daggers at me. But I ignored. "You can't buy me with those little pennis. I'm not such type of girl". I got up from his lap. "Excuse me", I slightly bowed and left.

"She's awesome". "I already love her". "She doesn't look like a slave tho". I heard them chattering and shouting with excitement while going to the kitchen.

Andrew's pov:

I guess they already liked her. It's not their fault. She's so amazing that anyone can fall in love with her.

I cleared throat. "So guys. Cheers to our friendship!", I voice as they all raised their toast.

"Hey, btw! I heard that Rex is over now?", Ever questioned. They seemed concerned as they focused their gaze at me.

I nodded. I told them. Also said them that she saved me and from their expression I got to know that they're grateful except Gigi. She's acting weird lately.

"Heyy, it's getting bored. Ands, call Andrea babe. Please!", Kevin requested. Babe? Who's your babe? Fuck off.


"Hey Andrea! Come here!", Ever called for her as Alex chuckled. Something's going between the two of them cause I know Ever has a crush on Alex since we're 9. We four have been friends for years. I tried to stop Ever but Andrea already came, putting hands at her knee, looking down. This is not her. She's not someone to look down and bow. She's a good actor.

"Sit with us babe!", Kevin said as he thrusted his hands. No way my princess gonna sit with you, jerk. I grabbed her arm and made her sit beside me. I stared at her confused and innocent eyes fiercely, telling her with eyes that you're mine.

"Oh..what was it about?", Alex again elbowed me. This man seriously got a problem in his ass.

"So Andrea, tell me. Who's looking the most hot in the room?", Gigi asked, leaning forward.

"Are we playing Truth and Dare?", Andrea interrogated, bewildered.

"TRUTH AND DARE!", They all shouted at the same time. "Yes. It's a good game. Let's play it then. Bring a bottle!", Ever said.

As requested, a bottle is borrowed. First, Ever spinned it. It faced her and Alex. Good.

"So Alex, truth or dare?"


"Guess you're so scared. So, did you break up with Stella?"

Alex hesitated. Alex and Stella, these two have a thing for two years. He always brings her in parties. Ever is jealous of her and we all know that. But Alex is silent lately about Stella. So I kinda want to know too that did he actually break up or not.

"Yes", he murmured. A tiny wave of happiness came on Ever's heart as she grinned lightly. Alex spinned it so it goes Gigi and Ever.

"Truth", Ever said before she can.

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