Chapter 21: Wish You Were Sober

Start from the beginning

"My mom bumping her head on the wall?"


"My mom and dad fighting and throwing kerosene all over the room just to burn them?"

"STOP. Good memories"

"I DON'T FUCKING HAVE A GOOD MEMORY!". I screamed at her so loud that I know the whole Venice has already heard it. I laid down on the bed, sighing. She is still on her place.

I'm gonna console her. ABSOLUTELY NO! Do you think imma fool that I'll look into a pouting Andrea and kiss her forehead and beg her for mercy and--

"Hey! Okay I'm sorry for shouting at you", I held her forehead and pecked it. "Sorry". "Sorry, Vivi!". Guess, I'm different to her.


"Just, "hm"?


"HEY. I'm going to throw a kinda party inviting all the maids and the gaurds. We will do some enjoy. Okay? Happy?"

Her face enlightened. So easy to please her."YES! Sounds cool ha!"

"I know right. It's tomorrow so, let's sleep. I'm weary right now". I laid down on my back and closed my eyes. I felt her laying beside me. "By the way", I paused. Never really said that tho. "Thank you, for saving me"

She regarded me silently for a while and then turned around. Still angry or what? God. Annoying. She really isn't so easy to please. She doesn't know that I never really said thank you and sorry to someone. Damn god.

"I didn't save you. I saved me", she said after a while. I looked at her amazingly, trying to find out what she really meant. Does it mean that I'm her part only so she mentioned me?

Typical women. God.

Andrea's pov:

I stared at the lamp which is scattering soft macaroon coloured light. Did he understand? I said that because he feels like my home now. My real home seems like a hell to me now. I saved myself indirectly by saving him. Although I hate him most of the times, but sometimes I like this person so much. So much that it's already feeling like my own sweet little home.

Oh. Great arrangement tho. Obviously it's gonna be a dark theme. So the whole hallroom is decorated with brightening tables, black ribbons and drink counters. I'm so happy cause all the maids are free today, roaming here and there wearing beauti clothes. Kavinsky told me that he'd given every maid a black or golden dress. Just in case.

We both are sitting across from each other in the table. He's drinking the wine. "Do you still feel bad about Rex?"

"What?", He laughed as he choked. "No. I was feeling bad about the betrayal and the friendship".

"Oh. I don't believe in these stuffs and all. Friendship. Love. Trust"


"Cause I never really had friends. Nobody talks to me in school. Everyone thinks that I'm a poor girl with a bad heart. My family always ignored me. Misbehaved with me. Lied about not having a daughter blah blah".

"Oh- so, you never been in love?"

"Never. But I do have a type"

"Tell me"

"Honest. Caring. Lovable-"

"What about Rich?"

"If rich peoples are like you, I don't want this", I said, mockingly.

His face darkened as he took more sips. He placed his forehead on his palm, exhaling. Did it upset him?"

"Do you have a type or you fuck any girl?", I said, again jokingly.

"I threw the party to enlighten my mood. But you're ruining it. So, SHUT UP".

I nodded looking the other way. I can't stare at him cause he looked so upset and angry. But, I literally joked with him about that rich and fuck thing. Huh. Everyone's dancing, laughing, enjoying. Guess, the maids finally got the moment to spend it so beautifully. And look, here we're, sitting and sighing.

"Andrea..", Kavinsky murmured, making me look at him. I raised my eyebrows. "You're so so bad", with that he dropped his head on the table. Huh.

By hook or by crook, I managed to take Kavinsky in his room and make him lay down on the bed cause he's too drunk to walk. I was going only when he held my hand, making me fall on top of him.

"Don't leave yet, Vivi", he said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah. I'm staying here only. Just bringing a--"

"Why the fuck I'm not your type?", He murmured, frowning with his eyes closed. What?


"Can't you see that I like you? Can't you see how much badly I want you?", His eyes are party opened as he stared at my lips. "can't you see that how badly I want to kiss your red lips?"

"Kavinsky.. you're drunk!". Tomorrow only he'll shout at me so I won't care about anything he will say.

"I'd still say the same if I wasn't drunk. I genuinely like you", he muttered generously and fell asleep. I'm still on the top of him. His right hand holding my wrist and his left hand is on my back making me closer to his nose and lips. My one hand is at his chest, and the other holding his head gently.

I wish you were sober, Billy.

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