Chapter 20: Like A Mafia

Start from the beginning

10 hours has passed.

Now this is fucking my time. I've to do something without informing anyone. You're on your own now, Andrea. That fucking Kavinsky. I'm so worried. I searched his room and find a bullet proof jacket, guns and helmet. Helmet?

I wore all of em. And, I'm looking like a Mafia.

Here, I'm trying so hard to jump out of the window. I've done that many times but this is not my two storied house. It's a fucking big mansion.

I hold onto the windowsill and maneuvered myself and lowered my body and when I'm maybe 6 foot higher than the ground, I dropped down my hands and fell hard.

"Ah, it hurts!", I mumbled. I hit my butt. Thanks God I've this helmet. But where are the cars and bikes? I ran to the front place of the mansion where the gaurds are standing. Ak-47 on their hands. They aimed it at me.

"Who are you?", One of them shouted. I threw my arms in the air. I'm trying hard not to stutter. I opened my helmet and they looked at me being amused.

"Andrea. I'm Andrea! Please give me the keys of the bike!", I pleaded.

"Sorry. Those aren't allowed"

"Your master is in danger and I've to save him. You know, if he comes back and sees and you guys misbehaved with me, what will happen?", I deadpanned trying to threat them although I know Kavinsky won't do a shit.


"Andrea?", A familiar voice called my name. I searched for the voice's source as I saw Lia, making her way towards me, a little frown on her face.  "Where are you going?"

"Lia.", I said placing both on my palm on her shoulder. "Listen, Kavinsky is in danger. I need to go. Please give me the key!"

"What? What you'll even do?"

"I'm gonna save him. He planned to attack on Rex without making any good plan. I'm tensed--"

"Andrea! You don't even know where he lives. You'll going to be lost in the streets of Venice!"

Fool. Kavinsky literally wrote the plan and his adress on his diary. I took a sneak-peak to it.

"I know. I'll find it out. I don't wanna waste any time. Give me the key, Lia. Please"

She nodded and handed me the keys. "You know how to ride a bike?"

"I know. I did it-", I started it and pushed the gear but in my half way I fell down with it. "Ah! I'm okayyyy, Lia", I grumbled. Glad, I've every protection.

I again started it and turned on the headlights and set off for the spot. I need to find the place and save Kavinsky. Cause I know, something's wrong.

34 number street, Venice.

God. This is REX's house? Kavinsky's house has that dark academia vibes but this one is glowing with bright lights, fountain on the outsides. No one can say it's a mafia's house. It's located in a kind of solitude place.

But everything's silent here. But sometimes I hear gun shooting. Fuck. I hold my gun to my chest as I tiptoed into the house. And to my utter astonishment, I found every gaurds dead, lying in the ground. Is Kavinsky okay? I shivered at the sight. I've never seen such things.

I made my way and fortunately my eyes fell on two gaurds who are running towards me only. I'm hiding behind a wall. I triggered at them and shot as they fell on the ground, groaning. I'm a great shooter.

I keep stepping forward but my footsteps are gentle and soundless. I can smell blood everywhere. I hear the sound of bullets. Agonizing screams are filling the place and I kept shivering.

I felt someone shoot me from behind and I looked at the man, holding a sniper. "Good shot. But unfortunately, not-", as I fired at him making him shut the fuck up. I took his sniper cause it has silencer. Bitch, I'm wearing a bulletproof jacket.

I entered in a hallway and heard a familiar voice. I know the voice. My heart raced at the cursing voice. I quickly ran and saw Kavinsky, leaning against the wall, whimpering. Oh god. His hand are shot. He's holding it with his left hand.

I quickly went towards him. I'm wearing a helmet so I know he won't be able to recognise me. I knelt down infront of him. Fuck.

"Who- are-", he stuttered. I did nothing but patted his shoulder. I know he had thrown a stun grenade at them so it's all smoky. I entered the hall room where maybe lights are off and everyone's coughing, cursing.

I put on my night vision goggles and observed every men in the room as I shoot em silently with the sniper. They lay dead. I was going to kill that one person when the lights turned on and the smoke is gone.

I put out my glasses as I noticed it's Rexine Verlice. I smirked and shot him on his legs without wasting any time. He fell down with a grunting sound. I went near him and knelt down touching one of my knees to the ground.

"Hey, Rex!", I opened my helmet, still smirking. His eyes widened and I know he's too stunned to speak right now. "Or, should I day, Rexine Verlice?"


"Uh-ha! Correction! Andrea Handerson. Well, remember when I said I'm gonna make the dogs eat your flesh? I meant it. And I'm going to do that only for hurting Kavinsky"

"Ka-kavins- your husband?"

"Soon to be", I winked and stood up as I placed my boot on his hand and pushed it hard making his bones break as he screamed so loud. "Bye. Buring you down".

With that I shot him on his back a numerous times, throwing up the hatred I had for him. I gritted my teeth and whispered, "Burnt you down".

Did it like a Mafia.

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