Chapter 15: Go Bad Bitch

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"What's wrong with you?", He questioned.

"I just don't want your jacket"


Some pretty blonde girls approached him. They looked down upon on me and gave me a dirty look. "Who's she?", One of them asked.

"It doesn't matter"

"Okay? You want to have a drink with us?"

"Sure". The girls left as he turned his attention towards me. "Be here only. don't go anywhere", he said and went to drink. Huh! As if I'm going to listen. I saw a boy drinking alone. He's handsome and charming. I approached him. I know that the blotches and blemishes are visible. His jacket is still there on the floor.

I sat behind the boy and ordered a drink for me. Our gaze met as he gave me a beautiful smile pressing his lips. But I flashed a sexy smile instead.

"What's your name?", He asked.

"Andrea Handerson. And yours?"

"Beatrice Patterson. Whom you came with?"

"Oh with my.. boyfriend!", I lied. I had no other options. "Andrew Kavinsky"

"You're A-k's girlfriend? He's lucky."

"No I'm-"

Some random girl with a revealing lilac coloured dress wrapped her arms around his neck as she pecked him. "Baby!". She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "so, you're whom? Andrew Kavinsky's girlfriend? Girl. You look like his slave"

I'm his slave only.

"Excuse me? Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?", I tried to say it calmly.

"Yes. You really look like a slave"

"And you look like a slut", I smirked. Her eyes go red as she clutched Beatrice's shoulder more roughly.

"Did you just listen what she said me babe?"

"I..", I interrupt Beatrice.

"Fight me all by youself. Why you're bragging your boyfriend here? Or.. you're afraid you might get scratched by me?"

"Hah!", She said with a laugh. Her face is solemn. I stood up from my seat. The glass of the red wine is still on my glass as I'm slightly moving it between my fingers. "Stop flirting with my boyfriend"

"Exactly. Stop flirting with other's boyfriend!", I said cause I saw her flirting with Kavinsky. I'm not jealous.

"Okay? You're not girlfriend. Stop it you bitch!"

"Bitch? I've not said something bad-"

"Oh c'mon fuck it. Bet your mother's ashamed of you too. Oh!", She stopped covering her mouth with her hand. "Or she's a bitch too?".

I splashed the wine onto her dress making her stunned. Everyone got shocked seeing the sight. She grabbed the corner of her lilac dress from both side and observed it with shame and disgust.

I'm happy I ruined her dress.

"Oh my god you psycho? Look what you've done!", She shouted and the crowd is watching the drama. I catch Beatrice smilling and I sniggered at him. "God! You know how much it worth? You fucking-", she stopped as she was about to slap me when a hand ceased her wrist from slapping me.

I knew it. Who it can be only?

Her eyes broadened. Her mouth is partly shut. Her lilac dress is still wet. He jerked her hand off. "Whom are you to lay a hand on her?", He said softly.



"Well Andrew she just threw wine on my precious dress which worth-"

"How much this shit worth?"

She looked at us and then at her dress. The crowd is as shocked as Beatrice girlfriend. She hesitated first but then said,"5000 dollars"

I've never seen 5000 dollars. Are you kidding?

Kavinsky pulled out his wallet from his pocket and threw some money on her as if she just gave him a blowjob or something and now he's paying her for it with hatred. She picked up the money. God. Rich people.

"Ten thousand dollars. Five thousand to fix your dress and extra five thousand to fix your attitude", Kavinsky uttered and then looked at me, "Let's go, Andrea". With that he went. But it's my turn.

"Well it's not my fault. You addressed me a bitch and I show you what bitches do. Simple.", I paused and then took out the ring, the precious ring which Kavinsky gifted.. no, gave me sometimes ago. I threw it on her face and it fall at her foot. She looked down being puzzled.

"Fifty thousand dollars. To fix your fucking face. You look shit in this lilac dress, darling!", I leered at her and turned around and went with the clacking sound of my heels. Everyone is shocked and I'm sure, they'll think about me once when they get home.


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