"I want a sample of the slushie." Each word is said slowly and harshly, as if you're simply lacking comprehension. She makes a sharp motion with her hand, indicating the slushie machine, as she moves her head in a derisive manner. "Figure it out."

Your customer service smile falters. Months ago, when someone else had requested a free sample of the slushie, you happened to be working with the owner of this franchise. Now, you leaned into the excuse they had told the previous customer, "Ma'am, the syrup is too expensive to give free samples."

"Look here," she says as she stomps her foot. Her hands slam on the counter as she leans toward you. It's only then that you notice there's another person in line behind her. "I am the customer and the customer is always right!"

"Ma'am, a line is beginning to form behind you." Your words come out brittle and your smile is not as sunny as it had been earlier. Frantically, your brain scrambles for a way to smooth over the situation, but - unless she orders something - there's really nothing left of this transaction. "If you don't want a sample of the Lemon Jollies or you need more time to decide, please step aside so I can help other customers until you're ready."

"I was here first!" By now, her tantrum has reached the breaking voice stage. You close your eyes and breathe through your nose, wondering if threatening to call security will aide this situation or not. She's undeterred by your reaction though, as her words barrel forth, "This treatment is unacceptable. Where is your-"

Before she could finish the dreadful phrase, the customer behind her steps forward and lays a hand on her shoulder. "Pardon the intrusion, but what is the problem?"

Something in your guts flip, realizing the waiting customer is Tabaeus. You didn't even realize. They're wearing high-waisted black slacks, with a long-sleeved teal shirt tucked into the belted waist. Over it all, they wear that familiar trench coat. Sunglasses perch on their nose and a black beanie sits snug against their head, hiding the points of their ears from view. Vaguely, you note they're even wearing the silver cursive 'T' necklace that had caught their eye at All Mart.

You're brought back to the current situation as the customer makes a sharp movement at you. She has half-turned toward Tabaeus, presuming they were a fellow sympathetic party. "This minimum wage worker isn't serving me!"

"Ah, I see," Tabaeus simply smiles, standing at ease with their hands in their pockets. They tilt their head toward you, their red eyes peering over the sunglasses. "Should I take care of this annoyance for you?"

"How kind of you but-" The woman titters, before realizing Tabaeus is speaking to you. About her. At once, her back straightens and outrage has her hissing, "Excuse me!"

"Oh, yes, excuse you." You barely catch the flashy glow of Tabaeus's red eyes as they turn back to the woman. Tabaeus lifts their sunglasses up and you certainly see how the customer's eyes widen, consciousness fading into a daze. Tabaeus leans closer to her, their voice dropping to a firm whisper, "Perhaps a dip will cool off your heated attitude."

A too-wide smile spreads over the woman's lips, her gaze remaining disconcertingly blank. Her voice is breathy and soft as stilted words leave her mouth, "That sounds wonderful."

In silence, you watch her toddle off - a little wobbly on her feet - toward the main thoroughfare of the mall. You're still trying to process what just happened.

Returning their glasses to the appropriate place on their nose, Tabaeus turns back to you. "Other than her, how has your shift gone?"

"What did you do to her?" Your head snaps toward them, your voice low and hushed so no one else in the food court can hear. Though, it seems no one has taken any notice.

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