16 ∥ ♣ Aꜱꜱᴀꜱꜱɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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I have planned dad's assassination after I left heart kingdom. What can I use to kill dad non painfully? How can I do that without getting caught? I formulated some plans here and there but it was useless.

I sighed and went home. Met dad and I shivered at the strong aura of the person. I acted i didn't notice that and i hugged him. Wait.. that's it! Hugs.

I'll make him inhale my scent which then kills him I hope. But the fact that I have to kill my own father... Really doesn't settle in my guts. I then went to the black market the next day to buy a really deadly scent. The seller said to burn my clothes after i sprayed it or else some people will die.

I paid for it and decided what to wear, I went to the clothing store and bought a cheap outfit and so my journey continues. If this somehow doesn't kill my dad I should have thousands or even millions of back-up plans. Dad or should I say, the devil in him is smart. I thought of another way to kill my father, should I just straight up pierce his heart? But how...?

Gah! This is so frustrating. I returned home and went to my room.

"Adi, are you alright? Something's bugging you." My 'Dad' asked sitting on the side of the bed.

"Dad.. I love you." I said getting up and hugging him. I don't know if I can kill him. I started to tear up and I quickly wiped them away.

"My baby, don't cry. I'm still here. Don't worry." He said as he moves his hand up and down my head to comfort me.

That's when I broke the dam. I fully break down, letting all the tears fall and cry my heart out. He was just quiet and let me cry, I miss my dad. I could've killed him at this moment, I just can't! My guts won't let me. I settled down and his little hands wipe my tears.

"Adi, I know it's been hard for you these past few weeks. So why don't we go rest, my bunny." He said and I nod.

The next morning I woke up and he was gone, I lost an opportunity but I don't think I'd ever put a scratch on him.

I went to Queen Lolopechka for some advice.

"Y/n, I think the only way to get him vulnerable is when you're truly hurt, I've had a report of him being in a vulnerable state when you were hurt back then, the diamond kingdom had grazed his arm while on his way to see you in the patient room." The queen said.

My eyes lit up and at that moment I have thought of a plan. But there will be a sacrifice I must make.

I went to the Black Bull's base and I called Asta to fight me. The members cheered and were anticipating our fight.

I'm gonna fight him for real but, I should limit my strength so I can be hurt badly. Oh wait! I think Asta would hold back.. I think, Yuno would be perfect. It's alright I'm gonna end this fight on a second. Though, I know Asta would not give up.

As we fought, Uncle Yami showed up and stopped us because he has a task for Asta and replace the toilet paper. I stood there like (.__.)🧍🏻‍♂️

I sighed and bid goodbye to go to Yuno.

"I'm looking for Yuno." I told a Golden Dawn member.

He showed up and I challenged him for a spar. He agreed.

"Don't hold back." I said and he nods telling me the same.

As we walk our way to the battle ground, I saw Uncle Vangeance, we, Yuno and I, bowed and went on our ways.

We set up rules and prepared our Grimoires. I counted down.





I instantly casted my stun spells so Yuno couldn't move.

"Tailwind! Cloudburst!" He got stunned and blinded(LMAO VALORANT????? Idk if that's accurate tho, I don't play the game.)

But I felt something falling, it was a rock, or should I say, a boulder above me. I dashed and went close to him, I then cast another spell.

"Towering Tornado."
"Towering Tornado."

We both said and I jumped away before a big tornado formed just as I jumped, if I were a second slower I'd be in there, he's losing... I should be losing. C'mon, Yuno.. I know this isn't all you've got.

"Liable Tempest..." I hear him say, shit. I don't have that spell, I don't have Sylph. I was caught like a cocoon but I won't give up that easily.

I made a bow and two swords with my wind, applied the poison in it and I shot it up, it will land right on me. It will take 5 minutes to go down. As the arrow's in the air I casted a spell.

"Wind of Felmstorms!" I did the jail thing for him, but mine was getting smaller and smaller as it feeds on the target's mana. I was being squeezed tightly by this cocoon and I couldn't breathe.

"Yuno, is this all you've got?" I smirked and he smirked too.

"Spirit Storm!" He said and I smiled, I lift my mana skin and let it hit me, I will kill him.

Narrator's point of view
As Yuno's spell hit Adi, her jail spell was dropped and Yuno was nervous if he had gone too far or not. He reported to Vangeance and The captain reported to her Guardian.

"Oh my god! Take me to her now." The wizard king said.

They arrived at the scene and Julius ran to her, with his little hands he lifts  her up and held her close to his arms.

"Adi, why did you do this??" He sighed as he took a look at her daughter.

"Leave us alone for a moment." He said and the two left. Before a sword strikes the both of them the sword went through Julius' heart while it almost hit Adi's heart. Adi woke up and saw her dad's shocked face.

"I love you, Dad." She says before another sword plunged the both of them this time Adi dodged and her dad was plunged through the nape. She poured the poison in his mouth and eventually she'd die of bloodloss and poisoning. She pinched her dad's nose and he swallowed the poison.

"I know you can't reverse the time, you only have one spell." Adi said and her dad still won't talk or anything.

"Dad, I'm dying, Please don't forget about me.. You're the best Dad the world has given me. I love you, even if your grimoire would have a cover, I'd still choose and love you as my dad. Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Julius. Thank you, Lucius.."

"Lucius???" He finally spoke.

"I have one question, dad..."

"What is it?"

"Is there a devil in you?" She asked as she looked in his father's eyes.

He smiled, morphed into a big guy with black hair and a sun mark on his forehead.

"Yes..." Adi cried and hugged this stranger.

"The time has come."

_______The End_______

Tadaa!! I told you it's gonna be ending super fast. I'm planning on doing a part two of this buttttt IDK I'm not rly sure about it.

Thank you thank you thank you for your support on this story I hope you support my other stories and future stories as well! Well, see you guys around!

Aka WampisStrawHats

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