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"so i got you sparkling water because i know you dont like alcohol" aiden stated as she poured the clear bubbly substance in the wine glass

my heart fluttered at the thought of her remembering something as small as that

"thank you.."

"youre welcome. what do you want to eat? have as much as you want"

"just a piece of turkey" i pursed my lips


"no and-"

"ima give you some bread and a bit of salad too" aiden cut me off and started to fix my plate

"i- why do you do that?" i asked lightly

"because i know you want more i just dont know why you keep trying to get little portions like we'll shame you or something" she retorted. she put the plate in front of me. "now eat"

i glanced at scarlet who was snickering and took a bite of my bread

it tasted really good

"um i was meaning to ask.. where do you work?" i asked aiden.

i understood scarlet could pay for this house due to her job but she just got the job today

"the club we met at" she smirked

i sputtered and looked at her wide eyed. "you mean i spit on the club owner?!"

"you spit on her?" scarlet asked with confusion

aiden chuckled

"accidentally. my beauty, of course, shocked her" she flipped her hair and jokingly rolled her eyes

i giggled and finished the last bit of my bread

scarlet shook her head. "always cocky"

"so um how long have you two been together for?" i cleared my throat

"4 or 5 years" scarlet shrugged

"and yall arent married?"

not to be rude or anything but most would be married by now

"we dont believe in marriage" aiden shook her head. "it wasnt for us"

i nod slowly

"how about you? how many relationships have you been in?" scarlet asked

i looked down and grabbed my drink, taking sips to avoid answering that

scarlet chuckled. "dont tell me someone as gorgeous as you hasnt been taken at least once"

i blushed an embarrassment

"well i guess im not as beautiful as you make me out to be" i shrugged

"our win i guess" aiden smirked. "now we wont have to beat your exes up if they want you back"

i swallowed a big gulp of my sparkling water

"anyway..." i bit into my turkey.

"back to the marriage conversation" scarlet cut in. "i was wondering how you felt about marriage"

"i dont really care for marriage. if my partners doesnt want to get married then fine. if they do then im okay with that. i have no side on marriage. i never really imagined myself being married anyway— im a twenty two year old virgin. i thought my time to get in a relationship was up" i ranted

"hm, i see" scarlet hummed. "so virgin huh..."

i blushed as i didnt even realized i said that


"the food was really good" i said aloud as i rubbed my full tummy

this has to be one of the best dates i could go to. i had nothing to compare it to but still.

they kept the conversation light. not getting to personal but just the right amount of personal to know things about me and they answered any of the questions i asked

i learned scarlet has a three year old sister. her mother is back in Asia raising her sister while her father is a lawyer who spends all his time working. her parents are divorced too. scarlet has been in six relationships in her 28 years of living

aiden has no siblings and grew up lonely because both her parents were only childs too. she speaks to her parents occasionally but not much. during her 32 years of living she's been in ten relationships.

i admit, i was embarrassed that i havent been in one relationship while they have been in over four but they reassured me there's nothing to be ashamed of

"it was but i bet you taste even better" scarlet smirked as she licked her lips

my eyes widen in surprise. "well i-"

aiden chuckled. "i wondered the same thing"

my cheeks warmed

[boring chapter but whatever..]

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