22; Alive

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You sat in the freezing cold stream for around two hours. Your bleeding arms holding the basket steady where Yukimi had fallen asleep.

I've gotta move.

You stood up and began to stride through the neck deep water, your bones were aching and your body was begging for rest but you kept pushing.

For Yukimi.

You marched through the water slowly, going down the river stream with the towel overhead to look like a drifting piece of snow. You took deep breaths slowly, the water was up to your neck. You slowly trudged through stream. The sun was beginning to set and you could only hope by sun rise you'd reach her.



"J-just a bit farther... Yukimi..."

Your ankles burned; your throat dry; your body heaving and your lungs burning. With the rise of the sun came a new day. After walking through the freezing rivers during the night, you limped back onto a dirt road. You escaped the mountains, there was flat land and the freezing cold in the air was no more. You panted limping leaning to the side to try and relieve your left foot.

You were coughing lowly into your sleeve. And when you weren't coughing you were panting. You kept your head down, and a cold sweat laced your face.

You felt weak, you haven't slept in three days, a demon attacked you, you were moving more then you ever had in the past three years.

But you wouldn't quit.

After limping for eight hours you marched through a strawberry field. And moved off the main dirt road into the foliage. Through a dense forest you saw a clearing, and in that clearing you saw a familiar building. A large estate with a pink roof, a heart pattern carved into the pink wood for a design. A patch of peach trees lined the cobble stone path to the door. Your eyes widened.

You made it.


You began sprinting with all the energy you had left. Your feet burned at the cold cobblestone, you practically jumped onto the small porch.

You banged your hands rapidly against the door before you leaned against it in exhaustion panting heavily.

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as the door opened. Your hues glanced at the person who opened the door.

She stood tall, her hair pulled back into a small ponytail where he had cut it. A heart eyepatch around her right eye and her face cut up with scars. Her green eyes had a glare before they softened up looking at your figure.

"I-I'm sor-"

You couldn't finish your sentence. You fell forward onto her wooden floorboards passed out from exhaustion. The woman stepped back. Staring at your body, she bent down and sighed pulling you inside and locking the door. She heard soft giggles from your bag and took it off. She opened it and saw the baby boy you were hiding away in your bag giggling and laughing. She gently picked him up seeing his rough and dirty state then turned to you, you were in similar if not worse condition.

The pink haired girl then stared at the note she had gotten from a crow a few days ago.

"I couldn't believe it..."

"But you're here so it's true..."



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