Chapter 2- A strange invitation

Start from the beginning

"You must be Hermione and Melissa Granger, yes?" The woman asked as soon as she noticed them.

"Yes, Ma'am." Hermione said. Melissa just nodded, still feeling intimidated.

"I am here to offer you an invitation to the school I work at. It isn't an ordinary school however, it is a school of magic." the woman told them. Melissa's eyes widened in surprise. Surely this was a joke.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you mean by a school of magic?" she asked tentatively.

"You, Miss Granger, are a witch. As is your sister, and as am I. This means you possess magical powers. Usually, witches and wizards are born from parents who are also magical, but in some instances, they are born to muggles (non-magical people), like you are." the woman explained. Melissa nodded. Fred had asked her if she was a witch. Was this what he meant?

"What school is it? I thought we were going to the Academy in September? And who are you exactly?" Hermione asked, clearly as puzzled as her sister.

"Your original school plans will be cancelled if you accept your invitation. You will attend Hogwarts instead. My name is Professor McGonagall." the woman informed them. Hogwarts. That was definitely where Fred had said he went to school. Which meant he knew about all this, even though Melissa didn't.

"This isn't a joke is it? This is actually real?" Melissa asked out loud by accident. She blushed as soon as she realised what she'd done.

"How about I show you." Professor McGonagall smiled, before extracting a stick from her pocket. Melissa assumed this was a wand as she pointed it at a cup on the table. With a flick of her wrist, the cup transformed into a mouse. Melissa gasped in shock, before grinning. If she was a witch, that meant she'd be able to do that too!

"Would you like to read your letters?" Professor McGonagall asked. Melissa nodded eagerly.

"Yes please." Hermione said for her. McGonagall took two cream envelopes out of her pocket and gave them to Melissa and Hermione. Melissa read the front of it.

Miss M Granger

The Bottom Bunk

The Red Bedroom

24 Darwen Lane



The address was written in cursive green ink. Melissa turned the envelope over and examined the wax seal. There was a crest divided in four, with a large H in the centre. In each segment was a different creature- a snake, a lion, a badger and an eagle. Melissa carefully opened the envelope and took the letter out that was inside, reading it.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin first class, Grand Sorc., Chf Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International confed of wizards)

Dear Miss Granger

We are please to inform you that you have received a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of necessary books and equipment.

Term begins 1st September. We await your owl no later than 31st July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.

"Await your owl? What does that mean?" Melissa asked by accident.

"Don't worry about that. It's for people who live in wizarding families. That's why I'm here. To collect your answer. You should discuss this with your parents now." Professor McGonagall told her. Melissa nodded and turned to her Dad.

"Are we- allowed to go?" she asked.

"That depends whether you want to." he smiled.

"Of course we do!" Hermione gushed, "We'll get to learn magic!" Melissa nodded in agreement.

"We're ok with it. One thing you should know though, it's in Scotland, so you'd only be able to come home at Summer and Christmas." their Mum told them. Melissa gulped. She'd never really liked the idea of being at a boarding school. But going to a magic boarding school was an opportunity she'd never have again.

"Thank you! I'm going." Hermione declared. Professor McGonagall smiled and nodded before turning to Melissa. Four pairs of eyes were looking at her expectantly and it was making her nervous.

"I-uh," Melissa breathed out, "I'll go." she decided, before freezing up. What if she wasn't actually magic? What if no-one liked her? What if everyone else was from a wizarding family?

"That's sorted then. Are you available next Saturday? I'll need to take the girls shopping for their school supplies." Professor McGonagall asked. Melissa grabbed the supply list out of her letter and scanned over it with her eyes. She looked up with happiness. Getting her school things would definitely be exciting. Especially having a wand!

"Yes, we'll make sure to keep that day clear." her Mum nodded.

"I'll come at ten o'clock then. Please would you give us a lift to the train station? They're too young to use magical methods of travel." McGonagall said.

"Of course. It's not far from here." their Dad agreed.

"Thank you. Good day. I'll see you on Saturday." Professor Mcgonagall smiled, walking to the door. Melissa's Mum opened it, and McGonagall stepped outside. She turned on the spot and suddenly vanished.

"Wow." Hermione stated. Melissa couldn't agree more. 'Wow' seemed to sum all that up pretty well.

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