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A lightning punched the ground, mercilessly.

The animals of the woodland scurries into hiding, safe from the wrath of the ginormous beast that swallowed the infinite night.

Dark obsidian clouds hung ominously above, the storm swirling dangerously slow. Cracking the air, like the piercing sound of a broken glass breaking into pieces. Low grumbling vibratos follows after, full of menacing intent.

The leaves unhook themselves from the branches, the wind sails them away. Cold shivered the air, whirling eerily, has unseen claws that digs into ones skin.

The woodland was shrouded of complete darkness, no light to guide the passerby, means no escape. Not even for the man whose running away from the demon that's after his life.

He was not really running. Gasping for breath, the man was limping, but adrenaline pushes him forward. His left knee was twisted in a disturbing position. An arrow stabbed through his right shoulder, now bleeding liters of blood. His eyes were disoriented, one would say they looked demented, but the man was desperate.

"S-somebody, somebody, a-anybody s-s-save me. P-please. God save me...please! " the man uttered in his breath, in the verge of losing consciousness. Hoping the darkness would be enough to hide him, but at the same time pleading for a ray of light to guide him, to save him.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't at his side.

Twig snaps loudly under his feet, he froze. The sound echoed in all of the woodland. Then a foreboding icy wind gushes through the trees towards the direction behind him.

He started to tremble uncontrollably, tears instantly flooded his face, sweat mixed together. A thunderclap bolted near the area, the skies now threatening to pour. Another lightning followed, flashing a millisecond light to his surrounding.

He tried to move but his body was against it, the flow of his blood running cold. Slowly turning his head, his heart and lungs, beating and expanding in an unnatural rate. At the same time, a powerful lightning struck a tree to oblivion, lighting it up into flames.

Then he saw it.

Sinistrous red glowing eyes were staring back at him, unblinking. Bloodlust evident within them. The dark figure few meters away, slowly creeping towards him.

Tall trees seems to have eerily elongated, reaching the sky. Now towering them, their branches appears to be caging them both.

" no no no....s-stay away! D-dont! I-Im sorry! W-we we didn't meant it-"

A wide malicious grin stretched from the devil's lips.

"P-please! I beg you! I-I have children!" Begged the man, but his pleases only deaf to the devil's ears.

Forcing his feet to move when a chain suddely strangled his leg, and throwing him off the ground.

Bloodcurling scream escapes his mouth, the chain was pulling his leg. His free hand digs into the soil, only leaving trails of his nails.

Silenced by a curved scythe that cracked through his skull.

The clouds roared, raging fireworks of thunderbolts in the sky. Before finally pouring heavy drops of bullet rain to the soil. Washing all traces of footprints or evidences left by the devil who vanished instantly into the shadows.

Requiem of the White Chrysanthemum Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang