• t h r e e •

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You sat at your desk, dropping your books down loudly.

"Shit Y/N," Ymir jumped. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," you sighed.

"You still lie to me like I can't read right through you."

"I'm stressed, okay? College is fucking hard," you raked a hand through your hair. You wanted your grades to be perfect. Things hadn't always been easy for you, and you hadn't always been on the right track in life. Making sure you did good in college is something you really wanted. Getting things right for yourself is something you've been striving for lately.

"Come on, dumbass. I know you've got it in you. What class?" Ymir got up from her bed, hovering over your shoulder, watching your laptop screen as you scrolled through your assignments.

You rolled your eyes at her comment, "History. The course is about Freedom and Responsibility. It's not that it's technically hard, I'm just having trouble with this stupid assignment. It's a three week process and it's stressing me."

Ymir clicked her tongue, "Eren has that class. Not the same time as you though. Ask him for help," she tossed herself on your bed, gazing at you as you worked.

You swallowed hard, not sure if working with him would be good. Not because you didn't like him, but because you felt an attraction to him. You didn't even consider it a crush, but you found him highly attractive, and you feared working with him would simply just distract you.

"I don't know, Ymir," you sighed, resting your forehead in the palm of your hand, slightly turning to look at her.

"What's the problem? You like Eren, right?"

"Of course I do, I like all of your friends."

"Our. They're our friends, Y/N," she narrowed her brown eyes at you.

"I know this!" you groaned.

Ymir rolled her eyes, flipping over on her back, staring up at the ceiling. "Just ask him, stubborn ass. He's super good in that class. I've seen his grades."

You remained silent.

"Y/N," Ymir looked at you again, her expression serious. "I've only known you for a month, but I quickly learned you hate asking for help-"

"You can not be talking," you interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up. Don't interrupt me. Anyways," she continued. "It's okay to need help. We're all your friends. Just stop being a little bitch and ask. Okay? Or I'll do it for you and embarrass you. I don't care."

You closed your laptop shut, whining as you slid out of your chair, your body seeming to melt onto the floor. "Fine. Jesus fuck. I'll ask him for help."

"Good girl," she teased.

You held your stomach, cursing at the butterflies that erupted from her words. That phrase always made you nervous, even if it came from a friend. "Don't ever say that again."

"What? You liked it too much?"

Quickly standing up again, you shoved your books into your bag, along with your laptop. "Ymir. I will-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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