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Thank you for giving this story a chance! This won't be long, I promise not to take up too much of your time.

1) This story will give spoilers about the AOT manga/anime. It will not follow the story line but there will be slight mentions of spoilers.

2) Eren Jaeger is not an fboy in this fanfic. I'm going to make his character as close as possible to how he originally is. Of course things might be off to fit the storyline but it will not be anything major. Every character is going to be as similar to how they actually are in the anime/manga.

3) No one is perfect. These characters are going to make decisions that you might not agree with and they might be absolutely insufferable at times. But that's what makes the characters relatable. They're going to make mistakes and whatnot.

4) I'm bi. If I make any gay joke, it's completely a joke. Don't take anything too serious.

5) This is a Modern AU fanfic, set in college.

I hope all you lovely people enjoy :) I respond to every comment because they make me happy. Be sure to leave some love <3

tysm babies

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