Sir, that's crystallized sugar

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"Honey I'm home!"

"Don't slam the door." Ponyboy said as the door slammed behind Two-Bit.

"Whoa, who's broad?" Two asked when he saw Valerie playing cards with Soda at the table.

"That's Val, friend of mine from New York" Dal said as he cracked open his beer.

Two-Bit sat down in front of the TV. "Nice to meetcha Val. What brings you to Tulsa?"

"I'm staying with Dal while my parents are in Italy,"

Two-Bit whistled, "God damm"

"Why Italy?" Sodapop asked.

"We have some family there and their house burned down so my parents went to help and stuff."

Another person walked through the door but stopped when he saw Valerie. "You're new."

"Hiya, Im Val. Dallys friend from New York. ."

"I'm Darry, nice to meet you."

"Likewise Darry, and I assume this is your house so I hope I'm not intruding."

"No intrusion, the door is always open. How'd you know it was my house?" Darry asked as he sat in his arm chair.

"You seem like the only one responsible enough to pay taxes. Also is the door always open metaphorical or literal cause that sounds unsafe."

"Oh we ain't got nothing to steal anway." Sodapop said as he shuffled the deck.

"You could get murdered." Val said as she picked up her cards.

"What the actual fuck?" Dally asked from the couch.

"Just saying."

"Normal people don't just say shit like that."

Valerie just shrugged.

"So you two together or something?" Two-Bit asked.

"God no." Dally said looking disgusted while Val pretended to throw up.

"He's like my brother."

Everyone laughed at their reactions.

"Got it. Do you have any siblings other than Dal?" Asked Soda.

Val placed a card down. "Yeah, I have four brothers."

"Holy shit." It was Soda's turn to place a card. "I only have two brothers and they drive me crazy." He winked. "I can't imagine having four."

"Watch it little buddy." Darry chimed in.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. It's Giavoni, Lorenzo Vinchenzo, me, and Benny. Clearly my mother was afraid people might not realize we're Italian."

"Valerie doesn't sound very Italian."

"Oh it's not, but my full name is Valeria Alessia Ricci so... "

"I dont really hear it, are you sure you're Italian?" Soda said with a grin.

Valerie smiled.

"So how do you know ole Dal here?" Two-Bit asked.

"We were neighbors, he lived on the floor above us."

"I used to crash on their couch when my old man would kick me out. Mrs.Ricci is a saint."

"Does that mean you have embarrassing stories about Dal?" Ponyboy asked excitedly from the floor where he and Johnny were watching TV with Two-Bit."

Dallas leaned forward and smacked the back of Pony's head. "Val dont you dare."

Valerie laughed, "Oh boy I have so many stories about him. Dal should I tell them about the muffin glass??"

"Val. No!"

"Val. Yes!" Said Two-Bit.

"Okay so Dallas and I stopped at this cafe and he got a muffin. When the owner handed it to him Dallas lost his shit. He starts screaming at the owner, saying that he was trying to kill him and that there was glass on his muffin and asking the guy how he could be so imcompent and not notice the glass. Dallas went on and on yelling at this guy. When Dal finally finished the guy very calmly replied, 'Sir, that's crystallized sugar.' I almost pissed myself from laughing so hard."

Two-Bit was rolling on the floor, Soda was laughing his ass even Darry couldn't help but chuckle.

"Valerie, you swore you would never tell that story."

"Okay but that's on you, you should have known that I was full of shit and was absolutely going to tell that story."

"Cant. Breathe." Two-Bit choked out. Ponyboy slapped Two on the back while he tried to get his back.

"Love you Dal!" Valerie said and blew a kiss. 

A/N-Okay I kind of hate this but ig its better than nothing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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