"Encouraged? More like forced. If I remember correctly she hid behind you and yelled making lex to look behind her." Alex says casually walking over, with a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries already half eaten. Lex started laughing Hysterically.

"So that's the real story." Damian looked down scratching the back of his neck.

"Thanks a lot, guys." We all started laughing. I felt a warm hand on my lower back, turning I see Mason tense. I wonder what's on his mind. Wait a second. I act like I'm going to talk to Rose opening up the link, then I focus on Mason. I stare at him for a second but nothing happens.

"I just need to get him alone to talk to him. Man to man, but hell be with my sister all day no doubt." I hear the words as if they are being spoken out loud. I turn to face him but he didn't change. Does he even know I was listening?

"Alex, Lex I challenge both of you to a game of croquet." I'm trying to allow them to talk to each other without making it obvious.

"I don't really want to play right now," Lex said and Alex agreed.

"Whoever wins gets one favor from Mason" they look at each other. Probably thinking 'can she even do that?'. " And I've never played before" I added walking away. They both instantly followed me leaving Mason and Damian behind. I look back at Mason and he's not objecting.

"Thank you" I hear. I smile and pick up a hammer-looking thing. Alex is explaining the rules but I couldn't really concentrate. I just keep looking over at Mason to see if he needed any help. He seemed to be fine, he and Damian were shaking hands hopefully making amends. 

"Ava you suck at this game." Lex had her hands on her hips shaking her head. " you know if you join the family you'll have to be good at it. We are quite competitive." I put my hand on y heart dropping my jaw.

"IF I join the family. Ouch, you cut me deep." we start laughing.

"You know just cause he marks you doesn't mean anything. You gotta get through coronation." My heart fell at the thought of Mason changing his mind and marking another girl.

"That's not going to happen, love." I feel mason wrap his arms around me placing his hands over mine. We stand there holding the hockey stick together. Tingles spread across my entire body as we swing the bat back and forth. We hit the ball and it rolls through the hole.

"We did it!" I jump up and down clapping my hands.

"See you're a natural. You were meant to be in this family." Mason kisses my temple.

"Damn right she was." We turn around to see the queen and king, right in front of us. I instinctually go to bow, embarrassing myself of course.

" Ava, what are you doing?" Lily comes over hugging me tightly.

"Sorry force of habit," I admit sheepishly even though I've never seen them before this.

"Hello I'm Marcus, is great to finally meet the girl who stole my sons heart. You know for a while there I thought he and Alex were mates. Always together, finishing each other's sentences. They would come out of his room sweaty. I was expecting two alphas to run this pack, I was quite intrigued about the idea." He laughed as he stepped forward to hug me.

"Dad I told you we were working out." Mason rubs his hand along his face.

"Oh, I'm sure you were." Marcus winked at me. Thinking about this makes me want to throw up, but Marcus did have a point. It's quite interesting to see how a pack would run with two alphas.

"Why does everyone think me and Alex were together?" Mason puts his hands on his hips pouting.

"Awwwww Marcus you were just going to accept me into the family." Alex goes to hug Marcus its a strawberry dangling out of his mouth.

"You already live here, eat all our food, and make important pack decisions. Nothing would really change." He says patting Alex on the back.

"Ok, can we stop talking about this please?" A very red mason begged. We laughed until lily placed a hand on my shoulder getting my attention.

"Of course babe." Alex says patting Masons arm. Mason moves his arm away and starts chasing Alex. I watch theme run around until I feel lily's hand on my shoulder.

"Ava, what that man said last night isn't true. We will teach you everything you need to know. You are a part of our family now and we would do anything to protect you and make you feel at home." Tears came to my eyes as I pulled her into another hug. I hear giggling and turn to see Mason picking up Jackson and swinging him around.

"I love you" Mason looked up and smiled at me, dimples and everything

Alphas Mrs. RightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant