"No you on the closet floor did." My cheeks got hot as he pulled away chuckling. Then it stopped, I looked up and saw him staring at Lex. I put my hands on his head and lean up to kiss his cheek.

"He's not after me anymore, and you're sister has been waiting for this. He can protect her, care for her, don't take this away from her." I say into his ear. I lean back down onto my feet only to be met with a glare.

"Ok but I'm not calling him brother-in-law." I laugh and shake my head when I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I turn to see Alex with a stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Good evening love birds." He drawled out.

"Hands off" Mason growled. Alex put his hands up in surrender taking a few steps back.

"How can you talk to me like that on my birthday?" Alex wined, and a sudden feeling of guilt came over me.

"I didn't know it was your birthday," I said trying to sound natural. Why did no one mention it?

"It's not your birthday, February fifth is" I look over to see masons arms crossed a confused look on his face.

"Yes, it is." Alex demanded

"Alex I've known you for fifteen years, today is not your birthday." Mason signed rubbing his temples.

"No you've always had it wrong, I just didn't have the heart to tell you." He faked a sad look, hand over his chest.

"Wow you're so kind," I say gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"The sacrifices I make to keep him happy." Alex wipes away a fake tear.

"You've done well, happy birthday," I say with a smile.

"It's not his birthday," Mason grumbled as he walked away. I guess the whole Damian and Lex situation really got to him. My thoughts were interrupted by Alex.

"Did you get my little present?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes and moved the strap on my dress reviling part of the lacy bralette. Alex smiled and raised his hand in the air, I raised my own smacking his.

"Atta girl, hopefully, that little giddup will get the sick out of Mason's ass. He's been in a mood ever since we got here." So it wasn't just his sister's love interest that bothered him.

"what's Wrong wi-" I was cut off by a tall middle-aged man. He stepped in front of me like I wasn't even here and took Alex's hand.

"Hello beta, I and a couple of my friends were wondering if the future king would be announcing his future queen today." Wow, the guts this guy has to just ask something so personal. Alex didn't bat an eye, the sly smile never wavering.

"I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you. His royal highness has kept his love life a secret from everyone including me." Yea right I thought taking another sip of my champagne.

"It's usually a tradition to do it at the ball, and we are a little worried there are still fourteen girls left." He took a quick glance at me. "Thirteen really" he finished. My heart fell. A look of shock crossed Alex's face. I knew this was going to happen, this is their reaction.

"What do you mean thirteen?" He asked coming to stand next to me. It felt nice having him by my side.

"Oh, you don't really think this girl has a chance. Don't get me wrong you look good tonight even I would think you're someone important if I didn't know who you really were. I would even consider taking you to bed, but let's be honest here. The other girls have way more experience, he can't choose a low-ranked wolf with no power and no intelligence. He would be choosing the downfall of our country if he picked this girl and we all know it. She has nothing to offer and everything to gain, a dangerous mix." Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away, I wouldn't let him see me cry. He didn't deserve to know he hurt me.

"Don't talk about her like that," Alex growled, I noticed the room had gotten eerily quiet.

"Seriously the only way she would ever be queen is if she slept her way into it." He laughed, he thought it was funny. Comical that I could ever be a decent queen. "She just using hi-" a growl irrupted so low and dangerous the ground shook. Next thing I know the man was up in the air, Mason holding him by his neck.

"I'm going to kill you. If you say another word if you even think an ill thought towards her I will kill everyone you hold dear and take everything you have. You have insulted the women that I love, and for that, I'm going to kill you." He snarled. Everyone gasped looking at me. the only thing that runs through my mind was that he loved me. Tears dropped down my cheeks hitting the floor, even though no one wants me as queen I couldn't help but feel happy. People ran towards him trying to pry his hand away from the guy's neck, mason didn't budge. People started yelling at him telling him to let go, but he didn't move an inch

"Mason." I barely whispered, his head snapped in my direction. His face softened and he let go instantly and starts walking toward me, ignoring the protests of everyone. He took my head in his hands wiping my tears with his thumbs then pulled me close to him. My head was buried in his chest blocking me from the world.

"I'm so sorry Ava, you told me this would happen and I didn't listen. I was just hoping for the best, but I promise if you choose me that will never happen again." I pulled away from him, looking into the eyes that held so much adoration.

"It was never a choice." I pulled down his neck and kissed him so deep my toes felt the warmth of our lips.

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