"You're the girl who had the vampire diary series." The girl next to her said. She had short black hair, she looked older than the redhead but just as beautiful. I just nod at them.

"That's so cool, I've never seen the show but since I watched it that one day I've been wanting to see it again." I fake a smile and nod "I'm Carrie." The redhead sticks out her hand, i shake it.

"And I'm Adria." I just waved at her. "So what are you still doing here?" I was taken aback, what was she still doing here, what were we all doing here?

"What?" I managed to choke out.

"It's just odd, nine girls have gone home all of them from higher standing than you, and yet youre still here." Nine girls. Nine girls have gone home. How did it slip my mind that people were being forced out of this place? I never really wanted to be here, and the girls that do were thrown out. I never really cared if I was thrown out I was just hoping to last three weeks, but it was ok if I didn't. So much has happened I can't believe I didn't register that girls were being sent home. A sudden wave of guilt washed over me.

"Maybe he pity's me." I felt my mouth move before I could think about what I was saying. I picked out a dark eyeshadow to contrast my dress. Adria shakes her head.

"No, the prince wouldn't keep someone here out of pity." Carrie nods in agreement.

"Yea this isn't the sort of thing you pity people over." I stayed silent. What was I supposed to say.' The guy you've girls have been fighting over was running his fingers over my-' no, no definitely not.

"I don't know, you guys are way better than me. I'll probably be the next one to go home." They seemed pleased with this and smiled at each other.

"When this is all over we should have the vampire diaries together again," Carrie said, I gave her a small smile as they walked away.

"two-faced bitches." Someone said behind me. I swung around to see Ashley sitting in her chair reading a magazine. I slowly gave the makeup to my stylist and sat down waiting for her to begin.

"Why do you say that?" I asked. If we are forced to sit next to each other might as well get some tea.

"All they want is the crown. They are making sure you know not to cross them." She looks up at me ."Nothing you can't handle." She winks at me. Wait what, nothing I can't handle. She winked, and now she's smiling. I remember when we first saw each other she smiled at me too. Not a fake or condescending smile but a real one.

"And what do you want?" I ask as the artist starts on my makeup.

"I want my mate." My heart drops, does she think mason is her mate? or will she settle for him if she can't find her own?

"Yea you and mason go on a lot of dates. I heard you guys might be mates." There's silence and then a fit of laughter. I turn to see her doubled down laughing with tears in her eyes.

"Oh no, don't tell me he didn't tell you." Another fit of laughter. "I'm gay," she says flicking her wrist. well I'm hella confused now cause why go after the prince if you knew you were fruity? Money, power, yes but she said she just wanted to find her mate so it cant be those things.

"Then why come here?" I ask.

"To find my mate and make connections. I didn't know if I was really gay, that's the funny thing about mates. It can be anyone. But I had a feeling ever since I was thirteen and watched Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and fell in love with Emma stone. I didn't look at him once during the whole movie but I couldn't keep my eyes off her." I turn back around to let the makeup artist finish up so the next stylist can do my hair.

"So you'll just settle for mason if you can't find your mate?" I already embarrassed myself might as well keep it going.

"No, I've already found her. I and mason have been friends for a very long time, he knew before I did. The council forces him to go on dates, so it was a win-win. I was someone he could hang out with and talk to and I didn't have a different agenda like these other girls." Oh, she already found her mate, she's not interested in mine at all. How nice.

"I'm sorry he never mentioned it," I say trying to make up for my rude questions and comments.

"I'm not surprised. All he ever talks about is you. He already has your iced coffee order memorized." She laughed a little. "He even called me this morning to see if I was willing to sit by you for hair and makeup because he knows big crowds give you anxiety attacks, why do you think we are in the back secluded from everyone." I take a look around and realize she was right. Most stations are five feet apart from each other, but me and Ashley's are at least twenty feet away from everyone else's. I knew there was something off about us being so far away.

A smile broke out on my face. He was thinking about me. Even when I thought I ruined everything last night and how he said he won't have me for long this morning, He's always doing things to make me feel comfortable.

"Hey girls." Bella comes up and hugs me then Ashley. When did they get so close? How long have I been gone. They must have seen my confused face because Bella explained.

"The girls who have found their mates tend to stick together so we can gush about them and not make the others feel bad." She already has her hair and makeup done. Her chair must have been set up across the room. The stylist was almost done pinning my hair up as well.

"Oh does that mean there are a lot of girls who have found their mates?" I asked picking up a lipgloss I would like to wear.

"I think seven girls have found their mates. all of them still stay here cause of free food, pretty dresses, and most of their mates are knights." Ashley says

"Yes, and nine girls have gone home. So that leaves fourteen girls left in the competition. Who. Will. Be. Next." Bella says in a deep dramatic announcer voice. We laugh as we finish getting ready. The girl who I thought was after my mate ended up being a friend, how refreshing.

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