starry-eyed space girl

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soooo i saw some art on instagram the other day and it was of this girl holding the sun and i was immediately just like.... i need to write something abt this.

BUT I CAN'T FIND THE ARTWORK AGAIN???? i wish i saved it or shared it to myself or something but alas, i did not :(

also "space girl" by frances forever was stuck in my head again while writing this so that had some influence on this piece lmao

well anygays i hope you like this one bc i love it <3 (well, i loved it last night but the perfectionist in me that wakes up when it's daytime doesn't love it as much but this poem is still my imperfect child so pls be kind haha)


she took the sun

         into her hands

and never burned,

   only her hair was caught

              by the ancient, ever-burning fire,

  and it glowed down her back,

                                    not a single strand scorched.

    (i remember how she held me,

like i was a planet she had never encountered before,

                           and she has been to every solar system, every universe.

i remember how i glowed like moon rock beneath her touch,

             and my once-buried, dug-up hurt

   didn't burn her healing hands

                                like it burned everyone

                                                who ventured too close.)

   she took the sun

          into her hands,

 and finally the sun felt

                                    what it's like

to bask in another's warmth,

to have someone's smile

         warm your face

  and have small rising and settings

                                                                  of suns

                                                                           in your cheeks.

           (when i'm with her,

                    the suns unapologetically blooming

    in my face

   never fade,

           the blush deepening

     with every igniting touch

and soft kiss of laughter.)

       she took the sun

                      into her hands,


like calls to like,

       and i see her

in the sunlight

               draping itself across the city

                               like it's the artist and the paint and the canvas

all at once

     and there's no denying

  who she is.

the ones we love

      are the stars

               we have wished upon—

they are shooting stars

   not because of the way

                                    they barrel through the sky,

               cutting through the night

to reveal day's light behind it,

                             but because they are the stars

            that fall from their constellations;

our wishes have the power

                                      to bring down celestial beings

if we're yearning, 



sometimes all we hold is a wish

          at the end of the day,

and wish molded into a dream

                      fluttering behind eyelids

              during slumber,

 and when the dawn throws open

                                                          the curtains,

it's molded into rich, dewy hope,

            and hope is a fervent, human force

  not to be reckoned with.

shooting stars—

                they are the stars

                         that have been shot down

to live with us,

     here on the gritty ground.

is it so hard to believe?

after all,

    love has always been

          out of this world,





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