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Rainbow Room.

Something was different. Instead of waking up in the room, I woke up here. He must not trust me enough yet. If only his mind was easy to get in. I groan in frustration. Everything kept repeating. Now, he won't let me go.

I should've been smarter, honestly.

Groaning in frustration, I just find something to occupy myself with. I go bored pretty quickly. Bu found something to do. "Bored? Peter asks, sitting next to me, smiling. I nodded, deciding speaking wouldn't be the smartest move.

he sighs, going closer. "i sense you're frustrated." i shrug, continuing playing around. "You know, I can help you, Peter offers. From his tone, I knew what he meant, I didn't like his tone. I scoot further from him, sort of uncomfortable.

He just smiled, thinking nothing was off with him or something. I wish this was his true form, but i knew he was only in this form for me, so i could trust him. But so far, it wasn't working. I mean, why should i?

In order for him to trust me, I needed him to let his guard down somehow. I smile, scooting closer. He was confused, since I jus scooted from him but accepted it. I show more affection, putting my hand on his.

Peter simply smiled. I think he was slowly letting his guard down. He then spoke, "Good Girl." Then, he just got up and left. I was surprised, but it was working, so i smiled in satisfaction, before turning my attention back to what i was doing.

slowly working.

But deep down, no matter how hard i tried, I couldn't stop thinking about going into his mind. Maybe even himself, I kept thinking of. Bu in his human form. I couldn't. He killed so many people.

No, I needed to be logical.

If i needed to get out of here, He needed to trust me enough. So far, it was kind of working. But It would be progress. I might be here for a long time. I sighed, going in my room and lying down, thinking of Hawkins, thinking of everyone else.

What were they doing right now? Were they doing okay? I kept wondering. Eventually I fell asleep, unintentionally.  When I woke up, I was hungry, very hungry. I wondered if he would give me food, wherever he was.

Getting up, I go in the kitchen and get some food. God, I was so hungry, so once I got food, I felt better. In here, there wasn't much to do, so i have a lot of boredom. I sighed, how long would this go?

Forever maybe.

Whatever forever meant.

"Someone was sleepy, Peter chuckled, in the door frame of my room. I gasped, not expecting to see him there.

But that was him. The unexpected.

"Peter, what are you doing in here? I asked, I should call him Henry or even 001, or Vecna. But I've only ever known him as Peter so that felt better honestly.

Besides, I don't think he even likes being called Henry. A reminder of his childhood. Something he didn't seem comfortable talking about.

When he did speak about it years ago, It was something he seemed to be angry about, rather than proud of.

"Just came to check up on you, Peter said sweetly, sitting next to me. "Okay, I replied. His true form was hidden somewhere.

I couldn't see him the same way as I used to. I don't think he could even forgive me for sending him to the upside down, well mostly El.

"I'm sorry... I mumbled. "Sorry for what? He asks. "You did nothing wrong." "Yes I did, I say. "I sent you to the upside down, didn't I?"

"You set me free, Peter smiles."I can't thank you enough." I softly smile, but it wasn't fake. It was genuine.

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