💚 Chapter 3 💚

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The week went on slowly despite the busyness of work at the internship. It was something that Carina did not hold a grudge against – she found it better when things went slowly rather than quickly. It allowed her to think things through and soak new things in much more easily. Carina knew that things would only amp up when she went to intern at the International Confederation... still it was all welcome for Carina, who wanted to stay out of home.

While Lucius and Narcissa did not come back for dinner the evening following Carina's declaration, Draco made them come back on the night of Carina's third day at the internship. Lucius had made it appear that they had come back on their own accord but Carina was well-aware that her father had tried to keep the relations between the family persist.

Narcissa, following dinner, had requested to talk to Carina privately, and seemingly aware that it might just begin another argument, Draco had refused it on Carina's behalf. Narcissa had not been happy but Carina took the moment to leave the room.

It was tiring for Carina to think about everything that was going on in their family. She had hoped that they would come around to her way of thinking by now.

On the other hand, things at the internship gave her all that distraction.

Julie, while not very keen on working with Carina, seemed to have begrudgingly accepted the fate – and while she was still not very nice to Carina, she had stopped being mean.

That might have partly been because of Carlisle McLaggen, who had been so relentlessly and aggressively flirty with every living female that Julie always picked Carina to partner up with so they could leave Alfred Cattermole to deal with Carlisle on his own.

"I'm really disappointed that I couldn't team up with you," Alfred said gloomily as he joined Carina while she working on something by herself. "That boy has aged me thirty years,"

"There could be things about me that would age you, too," Carina replied fairly, causing him to laugh and she looked at him inquiringly as he grinned.

"Not really, I think you're fun to talk to," Alfred admitted. "I'm going to miss seeing you, and those two at work... I hope you consider coming back here next year, and apply here, too,"

"Thank you for the offer," Carina said gratefully. "I will weigh my options well,"

Another thing that Carina found herself intrigued by was getting to see more of Harry Potter. She had expected him to be quiet like Albus was but he appeared to be rather talkative, although not as talkative as James was, from what little Carina knew about him. Harry always was keen on talking about how her day was going, and how Scorpius was doing.

When the last day came around Harry took the three interns and Alfred to have some ice cream together at Diagon Alley, at a place named Floreen Fortescue's Ice Cream. Harry got himself his treacle-and-gingerbread ice cream and Carina got herself mint chocolate.

There were a lot of people who appeared intrigued to see Harry Potter, and Carina could see that they were struggling to keep their eyes away. She looked away to watch Julie try and pick out the flavour that she wanted while Carlisle was busy flirting with some poor girls. Alfred was standing with them, strained out from their behaviour yet again.

"I'm not sure if any of the biographies have mentioned this," Harry spoke up. "But I visited this ice cream parlour when I first visited Diagon Alley,"

It was clear that Harry was trying to fill the empty air and Carina looked at him with intrigue.

"No, I do not believe there has been a mention of that," Carina replied, her sharp blue eyes looking past her ice cream and at him. "Was it your first experience with... the Magical world?"

Wooing Miss Malfoy [James Sirius Potter]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora