💚 Chapter 2 💚

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Carina had not expected that she would be partnered with James Sirius Potter for the activity that Professor Street had arranged. It wasn't that she held anything against James – on the contrary, she was intrigued by his behaviour at times – but she felt like James was not really the kind of person who would do this. But that only proved to her that she didn't know very much about him despite studying in the same year as him, even after six years now.

There was a lot that Carina had gathered about James from the few times that she had stuck around him – she had seen his thought-process when the two of them had taken part in the impromptu Chess tournament between students of their year (she had won against him in the finals, although he was a surprisingly seasoned player that she didn't expect).

On the other hand, since Carina had played against Gryffindor several times now, she also knew of James's behaviour out in the field and in the classroom from the countless times that they had sat together. She felt like she had a gist of who he was but maybe she was wrong.

It was clear to Carina that not every member of her family would react as passively as her when she informed them that she was going to be spending time with a Potter.

Scorpius had whooped loudly when Carina revealed it to her family following breakfast, telling her to take him along with herself whenever she went, and to bring Albus, too.

Astoria was a bit calmer than her son, and although she smiled and agreed that she felt better Carina would be with a person they 'know' of, Carina could see the concern and uncertainty in the green eyes of her mother. The dark-haired woman was very... diplomatic at times.

Draco, lastly, was a bit difficult – Carina could see that his expression was strained at the thought that she would going to spend weekends with James Sirius Potter (a boy that Draco had once noted to them to be very loud and rowdy at the train station). But when Carina did not pay attention to this and continued on with her interest, he relented and didn't say anything.

If they had reacted like this to something as simple as spending weekends with James, when Carina revealed that she was going to intern with the Auror office, which was under none other than Harry Potter himself, she expected the entire world to fall apart.

"I thought you were going to intern at the International Confederation?" Astoria asked when Draco's face lost colour for the second time that day.

"That is correct," Carina confirmed. "However, some of the students – including myself – were provided clearance to intern for the Auror Office on the basis of our academic record. We'll be given the chance to intern for a week this year, and two weeks next year. I couldn't refuse that offer,"

Upon this, Astoria and Draco shared a look, and Carina stood up.

"I apologise," Carina spoke. "But I'm not going to pull out of this at the last minute. It is my first day on Monday, and as I'm quite interested in the Auror Office, I'm not going to give it up because of the history my family has with Mr Harry Potter,"

"It's not that I have a problem with Potter," Draco said quickly, and Carina knew he wasn't being entirely truthful. "It's dangerous for any teenager to intern with the Aurors, and..." He looked much more bothered as he continued, "... you're also a Malfoy,"

"Are you worried that I'm going to run into Death Eaters during my internship?" Carina inquired, one of her eyebrows raised, and Draco's pale face flushed. "You do know I can handle myself,"

"We're worried about your safety," Astoria pitched in. "We're not going to restrict you from doing what you want, Carina, but we worry about you sometimes,"

Carina paused and then looked away, "We're not going to go out very often. The interns for their first week are only going to spend some time in the office itself. I'm sure that is alright...? I will not be placed in a dangerous situation, and I will be surrounded by Aurors there,"

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