bubble gum

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i stared at her, watching her every move, she seemed so unreal. when she started licking the push pop, i felt a bit warm inside. i was hard. my breathing deepened, pausing, "are you good?" she questioned, tilting her head, she had noticed the change in my behavior, "mhm?" she wanted me to answer. "why." was all i could say, she shrugged, "ion know," licking the pop on more time, "maybe cause, your dick is hard and your breathing is heavy..." i looked down at myself, "what's wrong with being horny?" i defended, her body got up, clearly done with the conversation. "you, are not my type" she pointed at me, 'what the fuck is wrong with that bitch' taking her stuff she threw her push pop at me, "k, bye" her ass shifting as she left. i sucked on the candy, tasting her saliva, bubble gum.

i went to where my feet took me, the old park on mirkwood. i sat on the old bench, half of it was deteriorating. kids on the rusty old playground, squeaking with every move one made, laughter and bickering. my attention shifted to my chips that i hadn't eaten, i took one, then two, three, six, twelve, i stoped myself, from eating the last one, i couldn't eat anymore, i felt disgusting for consuming a whole bag of chips. i crushed it, and fed it to the birds. i wanted to throw up, 'how did i eat so much?' starved myself a lot, even when i was younger, only eating one meal a day. before, my mother was worried about my appetite, now all she cares about is sex, smoking, and alcoholic beverages. at least once a week she had a man come over, and let them hit, it doesn't phase me anymore, but i really hated it. i contemplated about drinking the soda, fuck it, i didn't want to waste my money.

two more minutes till schools out, i thought about going home, but my mom probably has plans with a man tonight, and she could care less of me, coming home late. i dusted my self off, robin's place wasn't to far from here.

my head down, watching as one feet went i front of the other, kicking pebbles on the sidewalk, mother had always reminded me to keep my head up while walking, saying someone might kidnap me, possibly killing me. i never took her advise, she nagged me to have perfect posture, presentable appearance, but i guess she got tired of it, of me. my jeans grazing against the concrete path, worn out the ends of it, making a scratching sound with each step. my shoelaces untied, hitting the ground with a rhythmic beat. enjoying the music my movement made.

'robin should be home by now.' knocking the smooth oak wood door, behind was his uncle, "is robin home?" i peeked in the place, he nodded as he examined me, "are you his friend he can't stop talking about, y/n?" he chuckled in a friendly way, a smile was on my face, 'robin talks about me?' "ROBIN, YOUR FRIEND IS LOOKING FOR YOU!" the man turned from me, his gaze following a figure coming closer. "hey, what's happening?" his body resting on the door frame, while his uncle left us alone. "behave, don't get her in trouble." his uncle winked at rob before heading to the kitchen. "can i stay at your place for now?" robin nodded, "come in" he grabbed my hand leading me to his room. "ignore the mess, i haven't got the time." pushing clothes into his closet, "no shame" i said, jumping onto his bed, robin looked a bit awkward, he's never like that.  "you good?" i sat up, staring into him. "wanna come to the drive in with me tonight?" "sure" his tension faded, i went back to his bed, so did he. his sheets smelled like laundry soap, it was soft, though it was messy, clothes in the corner on the mattress, missing homework from math, it felt comfortable though. i listened to his breathing as we both stared at the ceiling, in, out, in, out, his chest rising with each inhale. his jet black hair following his body, he's so beautiful. "i know your staring" "i can't help it" 

the dice hit the floor, watching carefully, the cube rolling to its side as the letter 'L' faced upwards. snatching all the money robin firmly held. "1 2 3...11,16...21!" i fanned the cash in robins sour face. "this is the most rigged left right center ever!" he shouted,  wrestling me. "how is it rigged?" i wheezed, kicking him off, "I DONT KNOW" he pulled me back reaching for the money, as i switched it in each hand.   robin not very amused at all, tickled me, my grasp loosened, 8 dollars less than i had won. "fine keep it, loser" "take that back" "no way."

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