Chapter 9

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Jess didn't stay for much longer after that. She didn't come back after that either. I spent the rest of my time in Edinburgh with Mum, Dad and Toby. Over the last few years, I've grown closer to Toby than my other siblings. It used to be Jess and I but since what happened happened, it's been me and Toby.

He's a bit of a loose canon, I can't lie. He's always out with friends, he has lots of them. Because he's a model, he gets to travel around the country for work, which means he meets so many different people. Although he's always complimented on his looks, has an amazing personality and sleeps around a fair amount, he can't seem to hold down a girlfriend. He's only 25 and, although he says it doesn't bother him, his friends are starting to settle down; the ones he grew up with anyway, and to be honest, I think he's sad about that. But like I said, he's only 25. You're only young once.

I leave a few days after the eventful dinner. I give Toby a massive hug at the airport.

"I'm going to miss you so much Tobes." I say, holding back tears.

"I'll see you soon." He replies with a small smile on his face, however there's some sort of discomfort in his eyes. His face shifts as if he's going to say something but dismisses it. "Good luck with writing the song with Mr Calvin Harris!"

I smile and walk with Ali towards the boarding area.

I stayed awake the entire flight to America going over writing down potential lyrics and softly singing the poetic words, attempting to string them together to create a song. I loved song writing. Very few of my songs were of my own creation. I'd written a lot of the songs on my album, such as 'New Rules', 'IDGAF', 'Blow your mind' and 'Hotter than hell'. But the majority of the songs that I write my label deem not good enough. They think that the slower songs I write just aren't the style of music that I'm suited too. 

Lately, I've struggled to find inspiration to write. After I broke up with Max, all of the anger I felt, I put into writing and managed to turn it into upbeat songs that my label approved of. But now, I sometimes feel that I've got nothing to write about, but luckily my label are more than happy to provide me with upbeat songs to sing. However, since my tour finished, I've found more inspiration, more things that make me want to write songs. 

We are driven through the maze-like streets of New York and are dropped off outside my condo. The place is gorgeous but just never seems like home to me.

I share the condo with Ali. I love being roommates with her. Fame can be a lonely path to go down, but she's always stuck by me and makes it feel like I'm not alone in this. 

As I start to unpack, my phone rings. The screen is flashing with Tiffany's name in bold letters. I answer and hold it to my ear. 

"Hey Liv! Guess who I'm speaking to?!" 

I give a confused laugh in reply. "Um, me?"

"The stunning singer who's going to be the cover of Vanity Fair!" 

"No fucking way." I say slowly, the words Tiffany just spoke sinking in.

My makeup artist and stylist, Maria, touches up my makeup as Tiffany prepares me for the questions that I may potentially be asked in the interview with Jimmy Fallon. 

"And, as amazing as it would be, don't reply to any questions about our dear Mr Ricciardo." Tiffany tells me.

"Jimmy's nice, I don't think he'd ask something like that. Not if he knew I didn't want to talk about it." I say as I check over my appearance one last time. 

"Our guest tonight is one of my favourite singers at the moment, please welcome Liv Walker!" Jimmy announces as the audience starts to applaud. I walk out and greet Jimmy with a hug before sitting down on the dull blue chair next to his desk, smiling at the audience.

"Liv, welcome back!"

"Always a pleasure to be here, Jimmy." I say, smiling widely.

"But also, welcome back to the US. You've been on tour with your album, 'Liv Walker'." He holds up a photo of the album cover for the live audience to see. "How did the tour go? I saw you when you performed in New York and it was incredible!"

"Thank you, Jimmy. This tour has been amazing. It's the first one that I've done somewhat internationally, before I've just done tours in the US or UK but this time I was able to go to places like Japan and Australia, more of the Eastern side of the world and it was amazing, I can't thank my fans for making it possible for me to do this." I inwardly curse myself for mentioning Australia, the media will try to pick at anything that could lead to Daniel.

"But your life doesn't just revolve around music. You were at the Formula 1 Melbourne Grand Prix recently." Shit.

"I was indeed." I say, praying the conversation doesn't turn to the dreaded subject.

"Are you a fan?" 

"Massive fan, always have been, always will be." I reply.

"We actually have a very sweet photo of you and a racing driver." Jimmy holds up a photo of me when I was younger standing next to David Coulthard with a very large grin on my face. A fond smile emerges onto my face. "Who is this, I don't know too much about Formula 1."

"So that's David Coulthard, a British racing driver. I moved to Scotland, where my mum's from when I was 12 and my dad took us all karting and Coulthard was there. One of my most fondest memories having a photo with him."

"What team did he race for?"

"He raced for a few teams. Williams, Mclaren, Red bull." I list. Jimmy seems to recognise Red Bull. My face falters at his expression, which thankfully he picks up on and doesn't push any further on the matter. 

The interview finishes up pretty quickly after that. After a well needed rest, I wake up early the next morning to watch the Bahrain Grand Prix. I debate sending Daniel a message beforehand, to wish him good luck. I go onto instagram and type out a short message. My finger hovers over the send button. What would it mean if I sent it to him? Would he be happy? Would he be weirded out? What if he thinks I'm into him? I'm not into him. Before I'm able to press send, I turn my phone off and place it on the coffee table as eagerly await Maritn Brundle's grid walk.

My phone vibrates on the coffee table. I look at the screen. It's Bobby. I answer the phone and hold it to my ear. "You're recording a song for the new Fifty Shades of Gray film with DJ Wheaton next week." Bobby states, bluntly.


"It's short notice but I said you'd do it. They've already got the song written, they just need you to sing it. The original singer pulled out." Bobby sighs. "That all fine with you?" 

"Er, yes it is. You alright, Bobby? You seem a bit," I pause. "Off?"

"I'm fine Olivia. I'll email you the song so you can rehearse." He replies. I don't push any further, but I'm not satisfied with his response.

I put my phone down and begin to watch the race.

Daniel and Max retire almost at the same time. Max with a puncture and Daniel with an electrical issue. I curse at Red Bull's unreliability and feel so much pity for Daniel. I once again, debate sending him a message before thinking better of it and recognising the fact that we aren't even friends. Despite Red Bull's astonishing performance, I'm very happy to see a Ferrari win. Who wouldn't be? Everybody's a Ferrari fan!

Sorry for a short update, and the fact it took so bloody long to do so. Do not fret, we will see some more Liv and Daniel soon.

-Em :)

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