Chapter 8

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"What the actual fuck?!" I scream, throwing my phone on the seat next to me. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I mumble as hold my head in my hands.

At the sound of my distress, Ali wakes up from her sleep. "Liv? What is it?" She croaks, sitting up.

I simply point to my phone, which I'd discarded. She reads the article as the air hostess ushers us off the plane. Ali pauses and looks up from the screen to me. "Oh."

Whilst waiting to board our plane to Edinburgh, I continue to scroll through more articles showing Daniel and I together. Once I think I've seen enough, I click onto Instagram hoping that it will take my mind off the rumors, but I'm only met with endless comments and DMs questioning my relationship status. I scroll through my DMs. Slut. Whore. Nothing original.

My phone buzzes in my hand as I receive a phone call from Tiffany, which a hastily answer.

"Girl, I know I said 'Get a boyfriend' but I definitely didn't think you'd get one this quickly. Good job, honey!" I roll my eyes as I hear Tiff's strong Southern-American accent over the phone.

"I'm not with him. Please Tiff, I don't want this." I say, with a sigh.

"Honey, this is so great for your publicity. Can't you just go along with this?"

"No Tiff. I can't. This isn't fair on Daniel." I pause for a second. "And Max."

"Alright. I see what I can do, but I can't promise much. The best thing you can do right now is either ignore the rumors or say something publicly."

"Thanks Tiff." I say before hanging up the phone.

The flight from London to Edinburgh wasn't too bad with minimal turbulence, which I was thankful for. Ali and I are settled into the car that will take us to our respective houses and I get my phone out to DM Daniel to apologize for all of the news reports.

@liv_walker: hey, im so sorry for everything. i completely forgot about the paps and im sorry if this has caused anything between u and max.

@daniel.ricciardo: honestly, dont worry about it. it was bound to happen, quite nice that people think im able to get a girl as beautiful as yourself ;)

@daniel.ricciardo: and max is cool about it, i explained to him about it and he's fine so dont worry

@daniel.ricciardo: hope to see you at a race soon. i rlly enjoyed meeting u (despite rocky start) and we should meet up again at some point. dm me when ur next free :)

@liv_walker: will do ;)

Daniel's POV:

I sigh as I put my phone down. I hate lying to people. I wish Max was chill about it.

When he saw the articles this morning, he went ballistic. I received a lovely phone call from him and I don't think I've ever heard him so angry.

Max and I have always gotten along. We have what some fans like to call a bromance and to be honest, I totally agree with them. He yelled at me, calling me a traitor amongst other affectionate terms. It's a bit rich coming from him after finding out what happened with him and Liv's sister. God, Max can be a dick. Why would he do that?

Once he'd calmed down, I explained to him that it was all a misunderstanding and I'd never do anything like that to him. Max said that it made him look stupid. The way he said it broke my heart, I'd never want to do anything to hurt him, his like my brother.

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