Part Five: Fighting Alongside God's

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Your eyes were glued to the area where the tornado had once been. Fear spiking in your chest when you suddenly saw fire and things set ablaze.

The walkie-talkie crackled to life.

"Everybody, back to base, now."

"Like fuckin' hell!"

Clint didn't have time to stop you before you jumped out of the car, watching as you rushed towards the group gathered in the centre of the road, leaving him no choice but to follow you.

"Wait, were you watching us?" Jane asked when she spotted you two jogging up to them.

"Of course, we were," you replied as if she were crazy to think otherwise.

"Oh, this is marvellous." Thor smiled your way, turning to his gathered friends with a hand outstretched towards you. "They gave a worthy battle against me."

"Thanks." You nodded, "I'll take that as a compliment from someone who made me bleed."

"As you should," he said, not catching your sarcasm.

Just then, a far-off explosion sounded from where the tornado was previously seen, cutting the lighthearted atmosphere away, Thor's smile falling along with it as the man turned back to Jane Foster.

"Jane, you have to leave."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm staying here," he told her assuredly.

"Thor's going to fight with us!" the burly ginger man spoke excitedly.

"My friends." The blonde rushed up to the people who seemingly came out of nowhere. "I'm just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse, get one of you killed."

"Oh yeah, thanks. Compliment me on being able to fight you, and then act like you can't fight."

"Yeah, 'just a man' who acts like they're on steroids," Clint quipped, siding with you.

"Thanks, man."

"I am not compared to what I used to be." Thor shook his head at you.

"Well, mark me up as glad that I didn't have to fight you like that then."

The man practically ignored your words in favour of gesturing to the civilians lining the streets and buildings.

"But I can help get those people to safety."

"Well, if you're staying, then so am I," Jane said, stepping up towards the man.

"Okay, can we hurry this thing up?"

"I agree," the blonde spoke, nodding at your words, "We'll need some time."

"You'll have it," the other blonde called after Thor, following as they began evacuating the town, you turned to Clint.

"You got your bow on you?" you asked, referencing your discussion about it the previous night. Not bothering to ask him to gather up the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, knowing that they would be speaking off back to base right now.

"Yeah, it's in the trunk." He jabbed his thumb back to the car you had previously used for your stake-out.

"Okay, get it. Help these guys evacuate the civilians. Then get up high and do what you do best," you instructed, instinctively taking the lead between the two of you, even with his higher ranking, "I'm gonna stay down here and fight with the... God's?" you finished off with a questioning tone, not knowing what else to call them.

"You got it, Searge," Clint said with a teasing grin before he ran off, knowing it would annoy you.

"Come on, Darcy. I'll make sure nothing happens as we get people out of here."

At Worlds End (Thor) | Natasha Romanoff x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora