Part Five: Fighting Alongside God's

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Warnings: A fight. That's really it ig

Summary: It was just a normal stake-out, but it never stays that way, does it? 


This was a traditional stakeout.

Sat in a car. Seats leaned back. Sipping a coffee in to-go cups.

Just like all the cop shows.

With Clint in the driver's seat, eyes intent on the group serving and waiting for breakfast. As more agent's gathered upon nearby rooftops, equipment being used to hear what they were saying, relaying it back through the radio of the car.

"I could go for some breakfast right about now."

"You and me both, Barton."

All it took was a glance. Just one, in the wing mirror, for you to spot something akin to a tornado, jutting straight down into the world before it quickly receded up into the clustered clouds as if it were never there in the first place.

"Did you see that?" you questioned urgently, spinning to look around your seat, back to where the occurrence had just happened.

"See what?" Clint asked, copying you, before intently watching your shocked face.

"That tornado-looking thing, about sixty, sixty-five miles away from here, right there." You pointed in its direction.

"I didn't see anything." Clint shook his head. "Did you get enough sleep during my lookout duty last night?"

"I... I don't know..."

Maybe you did just need more sleep.


"Okay, you see then, right?"

Following your pointed finger, Clint spotted four armoured people striding up the centre of the road.

"Yeah. Yeah, I see them."

"Please tell me there's a lord of the rings convention they're going to and that there's not four more Thor's."

"I hate to break it to you-"

"Oh, man!" You threw your head back into your seat.

"Hopefully, you won't have to fight these ones."

"Good, because that girl looks like she could kick my ass."

You and the dirty-blonde man had the same curious, gobsmacked looks upon your faces as you watched their return to the once car showroom.

"This is..."

"So weird," Clint finished for you.

"Thor," came through the radio, "Your father still lives."

"Oh... this is not gonna be good."

What you didn't know, however, was just how bad it truly was gonna be.

Barton believed you now.

What you saw before.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes.

That verticle tornado before it disappeared back up into the sky.

Only this time, it was much bigger. A distant echoed bang of something colliding with the earth sent ripples of dust, sand, and dirt for miles.

"Was that a bomb?"

"I don't think bombs act like that," you informed him, "At least not any of the ones I've seen. And I've seen a lot."

At Worlds End (Thor) | Natasha Romanoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now