Part Two: Heavy Lifting

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Warnings: N/A.

Summary: The man who claimed to be a God had an insatiable appetite, as you soon came to find out, along with Jane's thirst for knowledge and truth.


You didn't know why they trusted you so much.

It obviously had to do with the whole super strength thing, but this? It was crazy.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was crazy.

You had no experience being a spy.

A soldier, yes.

But not a spy.

Not even a detective.

And yet, they still placed you out on stake-out duty.

Coulson had gotten word that Thor and the three stooges were on their way to the local diner. 'Isabela's Diner'. To continue Thor's "hearty" breakfast.

So, that's where you sat. By the window, a few seats down from the four, dressed in more civilian clothes, nursing your coffee and eating your own meal.

Luckily, none of them recognised you from the hospital a few hours prior.

The blonde man reminded you of a few of your old squad mates back in the air force. With the way he stuffed his face with the food from his plate. It wouldn't entirely surprise you if you saw him devour the cutlery at the rate he was going.

"How did you get inside that cloud?"

"Also, how could you eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry?" Darcy asked, coming off of Jane's question. Gaining zero reply from the man, still shovelling food into his mouth, and swigging from his mug.

"This dring, I like it," Thor told the group with his -what seemed to be- naturally boisterous voice.

"I know. It's great, right?"


A sudden smashing of ceramic sounded in the quaint diner, alerting everyone to the noise and the one who had caused it.

Your head snapped up from your imitation of filling out the daily puzzle in the paper to watch the man, momentarily, with the other customers.

Noting Jane apologising to the owner, as she moved around the table to begin clearing up the mess the man had purposefully just made while you returned to your "task". Filling in one of the answers as 'crazy', obviously getting it wrong, instead using it to keep notes of the stake out.

"What was that?" she snapped at Thor, getting to her feet when a waitress came over to sweep the smashed mug up.

"It was delicious," the man reasoned, "I want another."

"Well, you could have just said so."

"I just did," Thor chuckled as if his actions were obvious.

"No, I mean, ask nicely."

"I meant no disrespect."

"All right. Well, no more smashing," Jane told him, "Deal?"

The man nodded once. "You have my word."

At the very top of the crossword, you wrote 'old married couple'.


"The usual, please, Izzy."

You looked over your shoulder at the newcomers who had just entered, only to spot two of the men from the crater.

Now they.

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