Jim thought about it for a moment before leading him to the garage.

"We have a couple of tools and some old Christmas decorations," Jim offered, shining the flashlight around as Merlin began messing with the fridge. "Would that work for... What are making exactly?"

"It's none of your concern now," Merlin said, leaving the fridge alone in favor of the tools. "No forge? No grindstone? Not even a bellows?"

"What's a bellows?" Angel asked. Merlin didn't get to answer as Toby told him excitedly about Jim's garage door. He opened and closed the door a few times before Angel pulled his hand away with her magic, shaking her head.

"This will have to do."

"You said you put in a safeguard," Claire said. "How long do safeguards usually guard safely?"

"Yeah, are we talking weeks, years?" Toby asked hopefully.

Merlin began kicking Jim's Vespa, too which the boy freaked out, pushing him away quickly.

"Depends on Gunmar's cleverness. A few hours."

"But you can stop him, right?" Angel asked with crossed arms.

"I lost most of my magic, but this old bucket knows a few spells. I need you lot to aquire a few items first."

"What kind of items?" Jim asked.

"I'm sure nothing to difficult to gather. Lend me your quill, I shall write you a list."

"Heh, we're fresh out of quills."

"Can you text it?" Toby asked. The look he gave Toby told him everything. Angel rolled her eyes.

"Or we could get him something similar, say, a pen and paper," she offered.

"Oh, that makes more sense."

"Hm. Angelia, you are to stay with me. I could use an assistant," Merlin ordered. That sent a wave of fury down her spine and she put her hands on her hips defiantly.

"Isn't there anyone else you could ask?" She asked with a pointed glare, willing herself not to growl.

"No. I'm afraid you are the only one who can help with these tasks." The look in his eyes told her that he was lying and he knew she knew. He was testing her.


"Yes, really." He glared right back, daring her to say something else. And of course she wouldn't. If Douxie wanted to follow his orders, she would respect his wishes.

Didn't mean she had to like it.

"Oookkk, well, we're gonna go to school and get those things you need," Jim said as he ushered Claire and Toby out. "And leave you two to whatever this is."

Merlin went to work as soon as they left the room, organizing what little he had to work with. Angel waited until she heard Jim and the others leave completely before saying anything else.

"You really aren't going to talk to him."

"I don't need him here in this moment. My faithful apprentice is needed elsewhere."

"You're darn tootin he's been faithful. You- You aren't even going to call and say 'hey Douxie, while I don't need your help in this moment, I'm out and about after centuries of being asleep'. I think he's due that at the very least. You could even use my phone!"

"I agree, Hisirdoux deserves more than I can give in this moment, but as I said: time is of the essence. He would only pester me with questions I do not have time to answer."

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