Chapter 349: The Metamorphosis of the Rural Teenager

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This case of dove occupying a magpie's nest can be said to have dominated hot searches. The police had searched all the information before, so after arresting Xia Mingyan and Lin Shuyuan, the evidence was present, even if they wanted to deny it. Nor does it work.

The police interrogation started overnight. On the second day, Lin Shuyuan could not bear the police interrogation, and admitted her identity, acknowledging the fact that she was not Lin Shuyuan, but Lin Ai'ai.

In fact, even if Lin Aiai does not admit it, blood samples will be analyzed at the end. Everyone's blood is different. DNA has shaped everyone as a unique existence in this world, so Lin Aiai's identity does not need to be entangled. .

"I fell in love with Ming Yan. Although Ming Yan is my sister's boyfriend, but my sister said that as long as I like it, she will give it to me... But I told my sister about this matter, but my sister was unwilling. Said she was willing to give me anything, only Xia Mingyan could not, but I really like Mingyan, Mingyan also said that he likes me, said that he did not like her sister, sister is too strong, when the two of them were dating, Mingyan thought I want my sister to be the woman behind him, but my sister is not willing, but I do..."

Lin Aiai whispered the truth about all of this, and when the police heard it, she was also very surprised. Among them, Captain Zhang, the criminal investigation team leader, looked at the woman who was confused for love and said directly.

"You know? Xia Mingyan's famous trilogy film "Dawn of the Dawn" is your sister's work. Xia Mingyan has risen to fame based on this work. Do you think Xia Mingyan likes you or is it to take away your sister's work? Your sister was the best screenwriter in the circle at the time. Her teacher once saw this work, but in the end it became Xia Mingyan's work. I think, her teacher asked you? You already had plastic surgery at that time. Your sister's appearance, so it must be said that you and Xia Mingyan are in the same family, and works can also be shared, right?"

Captain Zhang has dealt with many cases. Among the various death cases in the world, most of the criminal investigation cases involve love killings or murders for profit. Lin Aiai thinks that she is giving everything for love, but what about Xia Mingyan? Why did Xia Mingyan prescribe Lin Shuyuan?

It is because Lin Shuyuan wrote "Dawn of Dawn" to vote for a very famous criminal investigation director in the circle. Lin Shuyuan wrote the script very much in the style of this criminal investigation director. She admires this idol, so she wants to follow him, but Xia Mingyan After seeing "Dawn of Light", he is also a director, so he can naturally see whether a work is excellent. Therefore, he wanted to take the script as his own, so he designed this dove to occupy the magpie's nest. play.

"..." Lin Aiai was silent. Of course, she had received a call from her sister, teacher, and even her sister and classmates. At that time, Lin Aiai was very afraid of being recognized, even if she had tried to imitate her sister. But after all, she was still not her elder sister, so Lin Aiai broke off all relations with Lin Shuyuan afterwards, never contacted Lin Shuyuan's friends and classmates, or even said that she was very caring for her teacher.

Lin Shuyuan's talent in the script is unmatched by others. It can be seen from Dawn. If she is still alive, you can imagine how many excellent works will come from her.

There is no need for this interrogation to continue. The prisoner has already pleaded guilty, like an accomplice like Lin Ai'ai, and he will have to pay the price at that time.

In addition, Xia Mingyan's interrogation has already yielded results.

Back then, Xia Mingyan chose to bribe a psychiatrist to give Lin Shuyuan mentally-influencing drugs. These all became evidence in court. Later, the police investigated the fire in Lin Shuyuan and her husband's house and discovered that the perpetrator was bought by Xia Mingyan. Only then did that nasty thing.

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