Chapter 334: The Metamorphosis of the Rural Teenageroday's top traffic!

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According to the situation that the program team investigated from the village chief Wang, Long Xiao's parents have been working outside and rarely come back. Later, I heard that something happened outside and no one came back. Long Xiao's grandparents also continued. Something went wrong, leaving only Long Xiao, an eight-year-old child who grew up eating a hundred family meals in the village, but no one has ever said that Long Xiao is not his parents' birth!

The photographer feels that he can't even hold the camera at this time, my God, the person in Long Xiao's mouth is not someone else, but now he is now a popular director Xia Mingyan! His latest masterpiece "Tang Makeup" has just won the Oscar for Best Art Award, Best Music Award, Best Costume Award, Best Drama Award, and several consecutive awards! What's more, this movie directly grabbed 6 billion box office worldwide, becoming the third real box office in China! And this year Xia Mingyan is only forty-nine years old! His son Xia Qingyu was taken by Xia Mingyan to participate in "Where Is Dad Going" and became popular since he was a child. He has transitioned from a child star to today's top traffic!

It can be said that the father and son in the circle make star-chasing people who know everything, it is impossible that no one does not know who Xia Mingyan and Xia Qingyu are!

The look of the people around was not right, Long Xiao was more calm, looking at the camera, those dark eyes, as if going through the camera to see the person on the other side.

"I want to find my biological father. My biological father's name is Xia Mingyan. My mother told me that I must find him."

This kind of stubbornness caused everyone present to be stunned, and then the little director who was interviewing alone spoke.

"Long Xiao, we have investigated the situation in your family before. Your parents unfortunately passed away when they went out to work a few years ago. Later, your grandparents also died because of some accidents. Why do you say that your father's name is Xia Mingyan? And yours Mother, what is going on?"

Everyone is very nervous, because I always feel that I will eat the biggest melon in my life! If Long Xiao is really related to Xia Mingyan, or Xia Mingyan's illegitimate child, then their "The Metamorphosis" will be even more popular!

Long Xiao could detect the excitement of these people. After all, in the entertainment industry, everyone likes the biggest news. Thinking of Xia Mingyan, Long Xiao didn't intend to cover up this matter.

"My father is not my biological father. It was my mother who was unconscious after being pregnant, and met my father. After that, he stayed with my father. After giving birth to me, my father also told me that he was not mine. My biological father, and my mother sometimes recalls her past memories and sometimes forgets, but when she was sober, she told me that my biological father was a man named Xia Mingyan, and I must find him."

This sounds like a fantasy, and the program group is really shocked. After all, Xia Mingyan's external image is a good man who loves his wife and his son. The media suddenly exposed that Xia Mingyan had an illegitimate child. , As a result, Xia Mingyan immediately disclosed that he had a son, and said that his son was not an illegitimate child, but the media at the time knew that Xia Mingyan married his current wife Lin Shuyuan after Xia Qingyu was five years old. It can be said that it was for this son. Xia Mingyan would marry Lin Shuyuan, and after getting married, she became a good man and a good father that everyone envied.

"Then your mother has anything to do with your father? Do you know what your father looks like?"

The people in the show group actually had a blast at the moment, but in fact, they understand that Long Xiao is in such a village and he is the only one left at home, so I don't necessarily know that there is Xia Mingyan in the entertainment industry. People, otherwise, I wouldn't say the three words Xia Mingyan directly in front of the camera of the program group. After all, if other stars say this, it would be a direct hit on the traffic...

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