Chapter 326: The Metamorphosis of the Rural Teenager

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"There are wild eggs."

He took out a wild egg from another cloth bag and showed it to Director Zhang. Director Zhang knew that the wild egg was a good thing, and immediately nodded.

"We have all of these. Don't worry, they will be given to you at the market price. Later I will ask our financial assistant to come over and see how much your items are worth."

Fish and eggs are all necessary. Their program team has to stay in the village for two months. When they come, they always bring equipment and they don't care about eating, so now Long Xiao's ingredients will be just right then.

"En." Long Xiao nodded, knowing that Director Zhang would not be short of his own money, so he stood there and listened to Director Zhang.

After a while, the financial assistant came over. He was in charge of the team's consumption and reimbursement, so after inspecting the fish and eggs, he gave a more suitable price. The eggs are wild eggs, and the better eggs are 20 yuan. One hundred yuan per catty was given, and the fish became much more expensive. There were several kinds of fish in them, and the prices were different. After the financial assistant asked the chef, a basket of fish weighed more than 40 catties, and finally gave it. One thousand yuan.

With the addition of a rabbit, Long Xiao was able to get 1,200 yuan from the program group in the end.

The financial assistant took out the cash and started counting, counted twelve red banknotes and handed them to Long Xiao. As soon as he looked up, he saw what was on Long Xiao's shoulder.


He was so frightened that he took two steps back and forth, making Mr. Wang and Director Zhang, who were continuing to chat on the side, also a little puzzled, turned his head and looked over.

"Snake!!! Cobra!!!"

The pale financial assistant was almost trembling and pointed at the little red flower on Long Xiao's left shoulder. At this time, being pointed at by a human, the little red flower finally stretched out his head. The frightening inverted triangle look made people just look at it. I can see that this thing is a cobra, and it is a snake with a white background! If this thing bites a bite, it is estimated that we will meet our ancestors directly!

Chief Wang, Director Zhang and other cameras also saw the cobra that suddenly woke up. Everyone was stiff in place and did not dare to move. God knows if the cobra will suddenly attack people.

Long Xiao turned to look at his little pet, then stretched out his right hand, only to see Xiao Honghua calmly crawling onto his hand, and then wrapped around his wrist, staying in his palm.

"Grandpa Village Chief, Director Zhang, Brother Fang, don't be afraid, it's called Little Red Flower, it's my pet."

Long Xiao's calm appearance made the people around him even less calm! Who is this person who keeps a cobra as a pet? Isn't this killing every minute?

"Dragon, Long Xiao, does he, he really can't bite people?"

Village Chief Wang was also frightened. He stayed where he didn't dare to move, knowing that this cobra would be gone after a bite. What's more, this cobra is so beautiful. The more beautiful the snake, the stronger the toxin.

The cameras had already secretly started to move backwards, Long Xiao moved his palms, then stroked Xiao Honghua's head with his left hand, and was happily rubbed twice by Xiao Honghua.

"I can bite people, but Xiao Honghua is my pet. Without my permission, he won't bite people. Grandpa Village Chief, don't worry, I won't let Xiao Honghua harm people in the village."

Managing a snake is still calm for Long Xiao, and Director Zhang, after all, is a person who has seen the face of the world. Even if his face turned pale at this time, he thought of the topic! The guests of their "The Metamorphosis" actually keep snakes as pets! This sounds pretty cool! Many fans will like it then! !

"Does it really not bite? Can I go there?"

Boldly speaking, Director Zhang walked towards Long Xiao with a blank face. Long Xiao still admired his courage.

"Of course, I won't let it bite you."

Long Xiao nodded, Director Zhang slowly moved towards Long Xiao, then moved from two meters to half a meter, and finally stood in front of Long Xiao. As long as this cobra is willing, it can directly fly to Zhang in the next moment. On the director, he bit Director Zhang's neck.

"Director Zhang, would you like to touch it? Xiao Honghua is very good."

He turned his right hand to the front to show Director Zhang, who was so scared that Director Zhang paled and couldn't move at once, but for the audience rating and the snake seemed to have no intention of attacking, he said bitterly.

"I touch it, doesn't it really bite me?"

He stretched out his hand, a little trembling, and Long Xiao directly grabbed his hand, the next moment Director Zhang's fingers touched the cold snake body, and then the inverted triangle snake head of Xiao Honghua, Xiao Honghua obediently The cup was touched without moving, even without opening his mouth. The people present were still very nervous. The camera was still filming. Director Zhang went from stiff to calm down, his hand moved unconsciously, and his thumb touched. The cold snake body only felt that his soul had run away.

"It, it really doesn't bite..."

Then came a strong joy. In this case, it will be much more interesting when interviewing guests!

A young man from the countryside raised a poisonous cobra! What a wonderful cooperation this is! And this cobra is very obedient!

After finally retracting his hand, Director Zhang saw that the people around him admired him, and he was even more happy, looking at Long Xiao excitedly.

"When we have a separate interview with you, can you hold this snake? By the way, tell you about the origin of this snake, how about it? And why it listens to you."

These are all topics, and they will be hotly searched at that time!

"Well, it's okay." Long Xiao nodded, Xiao Honghua is not only obedient, now Long Xiao asks it to do anything, it will do it, even if it is to perform a dance, it is no problem.

Although Mayor Wang didn't know how his child raised snakes suddenly, the old man in the village used to raise snakes. It's not surprising that he was a bit creepy when he saw the cobra, and finally he took a rabbit when he mentioned it in Long Xiao. After leaving, there are other foods in Long Xiao's house.

Director Zhang thinks that before the first issue, he can completely rely on this snake to grab the hot search! Suddenly I was so excited, I went back to start planning, and then notified Long Xiao to start recording the first single interview of the program group tomorrow, so that Long Xiao was ready.

Long Xiao was the most calm. He returned home and found that cameras were installed everywhere in the house, but he didn't think there was any problem. He took the marinated meat and went to the kitchen to cook for himself. After eating, She went to bed, and Xiao Honghua didn't leave. She lay beside Long Xiao's bed, seeming to be guarding Long Xiao.

On the second day, it was the first solo interview of the "The Metamorphosis" program group with these small rural guests. Director Zhang personally interviewed Long Xiao...

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