Chapter 321: Infatuated old father

Start from the beginning

Even if Lu Zichen likes early summer, he also knows that early summer is a mermaid. The two of them can't give birth to a child, and they are still a normal human child.

So Chu Xia asked Long Zixian to take her to the deep sea, and returned to the nest in Chu Xia, and found a way to give birth to human children, but her brother wanted to come with him because Chu Xia liked the human world.

Chu Xia's brother needed an identity, and Long Zixian became the best candidate.

Mermaid can transform, that's the kind of change in appearance. They have no gender at the beginning, and they will change gender due to biological evolution. Naturally, they can also change their appearance through some things.

Chuxia agreed to this matter, and then Long Zixian became the candidate to be sacrificed.

If the mermaid wants to get the disguise of human beings, it has to eat this human blood for seven to forty-nine days, and then eat the human heart.

Long Zixian was bewitched by the early summer and didn't know the fate he was going to face, so he donated blood obediently and became a sacrifice obediently.

And how can mermaids and humans give birth to a healthy child?

They need a surrogate mother, and this surrogate mother is Jiang Hailan.

In the early summer, I asked Lu Zichen to marry Jiang Hailan, and then asked Jiang Hailan's blood to be drawn to train the children, and then the child who had the gene from Lu Zichen and Lu Zichen was put back into Jiang Hailan's belly.

Although the child looked like a human, it was also the nature of a mermaid. He almost tossed Jiang Hailan to death in his stomach. When the child was officially born, Jiang Hailan died of dystocia.

In fact, that's because the mermaid baby is very bloodthirsty because it looks like a human in its body, and it can survive by eating the flesh and blood of its mother.

In the end, Chu Xia became like Jiang Hailan and stayed with Lu Zichen forever. He also used his own blood to let Lu Zichen develop a drug that could maintain the appearance of human beings, which brought the Lu Group to the next level.

What about Long Zixian?

He died a long time ago. After being heart-digged, he was devoured by the brother of Early Summer.

Mermaid had the habit of eating humans. Humans were just food for them. Later, Long Xiao discovered something was wrong, but it was too late. He died at the hands of this terrible mermaid.

All these memories are cruel and terrifying, without the romance and grace of the mermaid story.

After knowing all these memories, Long Xiao's first feeling was to know what the meat of a mermaid looked like?

People eat fish, and mermaid eat humans. This is just the process of the biological chain. For Long Xiao, it couldn't be more normal.

It's just that Dragon Xiao is a human being, so he feels that he needs to let these merfolk know that human beings have occupied this land, and mermaids can naturally survive, but such survival is not based on harming other people. .

In the early summer, from the sea to human society, he actually ate a lot of people, but Lu Zichen always kept one eye open.

Because he fell in love with this cruel and **** mermaid.

What is more exciting than a cruel and **** mermaid loving him and willing to surrender for him?

The love between such a person and a fish is full of various **** and terrifying logical relationships, and there are even many lives. Long Xiao doubts whether Lu Zichen fell in love with the mermaid or was bewitched by the mermaid, or that he was originally A person with an abnormal brain?

Just like Long Xiao in the past, he never liked humans. Although dragons' partners can be of various races, when Long Xiao was a dragon, he didn't like weak humans until he pretended to be humans in humans. After staying in the world for thousands of years, he began not to underestimate this weak species.

"Well, you can clean up this month and get the paper ready by the way. We will start next month."

I had already found the submarine and other things, but after contacting Dr. Aberle, when Aberle knew that he was going to find a mermaid, he said that he needed to prepare something, so Long Xiaocai was delayed for a month. It is for Dr. Aberle to prepare things.

"Okay, Dad, I know~"

Long Zixian was so excited. He felt that the essay was no longer a problem. He must finish writing the essay in two weeks. When that happens, he will go to find a mermaid with his father! !

Long Zixian never doubted his father. Since Xiao Long Zixian is a biological research company, he has seen many animals and plants that may not be seen by ordinary people in his life. These animals and plants are all used for research. Cells, and then developed a helpful effect for humans, so Long Zixian heard his father say that there are human fish in this world, that is, there are really human fish.

After the two of them had eaten, Long Zixian happily went to check the information. Long Xiao was more leisurely. He sat there watching TV and went to bed after seeing it after ten o'clock.

In the early morning of the next day, Long Zixian became accustomed to seeing his father before he got up. After breakfast, he asked the driver to take him to school.

The car drove out of the villa area, but the next moment, the driver was stunned and wiped with another car. This made Long Zixian a little surprised. When he got off the car, he just saw the car getting off. Lu Zichen.

"Mr. Lu?"

Lu Zichen knew Long Xiao, and the Lu family did genetic research, but it was different from the Long Family's development policy. When he was very young, he attended meetings with his father. Long Zixian had already met Lu Zichen.

"Mr. Long." Lu Zichen also nodded. The two stood together, and the driver was checking the car.

"Mr. Lu, why do you have such a heavy smell of blood? And the smell of the sea."

As soon as Long Zixian leaned over, he could smell Lu Zichen's body, the faint **** smell, which resembled the fish cultivated in the sea and the fishy smell of sea salt.

Lu Zichen's expression was tense, and he was a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

"Recently the company is studying marine fish."

He gave such an answer, let Long Zixian nod his head after listening, thinking of the mermaid his father said.

"Oh, so, that's good."

The two of them are not very familiar. The driver quickly handled the car's affairs. It was okay, it was just a little bit, so the two were not entangled. They got in the car again. After the car started, Lu Zichen's car was very fast. It disappeared, but Long Zixian always remembered the fishy smell on Lu Zichen just now. In addition to the fishy smell, there is also a strange fragrance...

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