Chapter 280: Love broken up by the agent

Start from the beginning

It was confirmed that Long Xiao was not in love, and everyone was relieved a lot. Fans began to scold this **** meal one after another, and then some people began to peel the skin. Various personal information of Wang Jinxuan was peeled, and then she was in school. Everyone knows that Wang Jinxuan is a moron who stalks and molests male stars! This has a great impact on Wang Jinxuan's reputation.

Wang Jinxuan did not choose to go to Beijing University at that time, but another university, so in the end Wang Jinxuan was expelled from the school for personal quality issues, and her studies were gone.

After Long Xiao knew about this, he couldn't believe it, so he wanted to protect his girlfriend, but he still wanted to make the matter public. When he called on the phone, he told his girlfriend about the open matter, but sometimes, emotionally, he liked to sacrifice himself. People are often moved by themselves. The protection of her boyfriend makes Wang Jinxuan feel that she is right even more, so she prevents her boyfriend from being public and becomes a caring girlfriend.

After dropping out of school, Wang Jinxuan was still arranged by Long Xiao in a villa he bought. The two did not break up. Chen Man hated Wang Jinxuan even more, but he also understood that the man changed his mind very quickly.

So Long Xiao and Wang Jinxuan started the days of gathering less and more divorce. Wang Jinxuan had no schooling, and because of the illegitimate meal before, she couldn't go out to find a job, and could only write and write manuscripts at home. The only ones who went out were dragons. Xiao's card became a canary in captivity. It was clear that the family conditions were good, but in the end he had nothing for Long Xiao.

After three years of this canary life, Chen Man did not expect that Long Xiao not only did not break up with Wang Jinxuan, but even planned to make it public again, so he secretly sneaked Wang Jinxuan's illegitimate meal into Longxiao Villa again. I told some crazy fans, those fans took advantage of Long Xiao's work outside, rushed to Long Xiao's villa, and kept beating Wang Jinxuan, an illegitimate meal! Wang Jinxuan, who was pregnant at the time, was almost beaten to death. Wang Jinxuan, who happened to be pregnant, was aborted and almost died after being sent to the doctor.

And some fans deliberately targeted Wang Jinxuan's face. She was innocent and cute. But during that beating, her face was scratched by glass, and there were four or five very deep cuts. When Long Xiao came back, Wang Jinxuan's whole body has collapsed, the child is gone, and her face is gone, Wang Jinxuan is crazy.

At this time, the Wang family and his wife knelt in front of Long Xiao and asked Long Xiao to let their daughter go. After that, they did not know where they went with their daughter.

It was precisely because of this that Long Xiao lost a good face to the fans afterwards, and told those fans who entered the room at that time. After that, he devoted himself to his career and never fell in love again.

If things were just like this, Long Xiao would not think that Chen Man was strange. The key is that after another ten years, Long Xiao is in his thirties and Chen Man is in his fifties. After a cocktail party, he gave Long Xiao medicine. The two had a relationship.

After Long Xiao woke up, he couldn't believe it, but Chen Man used the posture of a strong woman to indicate that this incident was just an ordinary intimacy. In fact, it was okay to deceive people.

Only afterwards, Chen Man had a child. She secretly gave birth to a child from the company. After the child was born, she found Long Xiao. She asked the two to get married on the grounds that the child could not live without a father, not a real marriage. It's just the kind of fake marriage for children.

Seeing the child, Long Xiao thought of his unborn child, and finally chose to compromise. The two finally secretly obtained the certificate. After that, watching his son grow up, the affairs of the two of them also came to light, and the media believed it even more. It's a true love. Otherwise, why would Long Xiao be with a woman who is a decade older than him? Therefore, the love between the two people was constantly boasted and read, and afterwards, Chen Man made his son's debut into an entertainment event that everyone praised.

None of this is true. Long Xiao saw all the memories and knew that he was actually very unhappy. He liked it from beginning to end, and the only thing he liked was Wang Jinxuan. Otherwise, Wang Jinxuan would not be hidden after Wang Jinxuan's ruin. , And finally thinking about making it public.

It was only the actions of the fans later that Long Xiao could no longer be with Wang Jinxuan, and the parents of the person he disliked knelt in front of him and begged him.

Long Xiao entered this body, naturally empathizing with everything in this body, and even more understood how painful it is not to be able to stay with the person in love, so after two months of coming, he doubled the money in his hand by twenty times. , When the movie he invested in will be released, he will have more money.

Star Entertainment now has three cash cows. In fact, the total value of the company does not exceed 5 billion. It is said that 5 billion is to save face, and the company can almost see that the asset evaluation can reach more than 2 billion.

Moreover, the two billion are built up by the value of Long Xiao, Bai Ze, and Gao Hongquan. If three people change jobs, the company will have real problems. Long Xiao signed a new contract when he was just 18 years old. It's different from before.

In the past, the two-to-eight is divided, the company is eight, the individual is two, and the contract that is re-signed after the age of eighteen is a four-to-six share, and the company is six and they are four. This contract is already regarded as the top contract in the industry, and the signing time is only five years time.

Such a shell subsidiary in Long Xiao's eyes is nothing. The key is that Long Xiao also wants to play with people in his palms this time. Isn't Chen Man starting to keep in touch with herself as her agent? ? Long Xiao asked her to pay for her actions.

Things like sneaking into Long Xiao's room have been countless times, and there are some more excessive, young people don't feel it, but Chen Man's eyes are definitely not the eyes of an agent.

But think about it, when Long Xiao was fifteen years old, Chen Man came and took them three. At that time, all three of them were under adulthood, and Chen Man had such a mind. If this is said, fans would be completely crazy. ?

This time, we should also let Chen Man taste how crazy fans treat a woman who has a prying heart for her idol. Maybe it will be even more crazy...

After all, everyone knows that thesun's agent has been taking special care of Long Xiao, more serious than taking care of Gao Hongquan and Bai Ze. Then this seriousness...what if it changes its nature?

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