Chapter 6

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I have a question for you all, should I put a Q&A chapter, so if you all have questions, you can just comment them on that chapter?

I have a question for you all, should I put a Q&A chapter, so if you all have questions, you can just comment them on that chapter? ------------------------------------------------

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The next day

Sanzu's pov

I woke up in the guest room, at first, I was a bit panicked since I didn't know where I was but then I remembered that I'm at the Haitanis house. I got up from the bed and was immediately met with morning sickness. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and puked. After I was done, I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I was hit with so much disgust, there were dirty dishes everywhere. I rushed out of the room and searched for cleaning supplies when I found them.

I put some gloves on and a mask. And went back into the kitchen. I let out a big sigh and started to clean the dishes. After I did that, I cleaned the kitchen, so that all the germs would be gone. If they keep on with this, I'll leave the house. I definitely won't be living in a house full of germs.

I finally finished cleaning the kitchen when I heard someone cough behind me. I flinched together and grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter out of reflex. I pointed the knife at the person, but I immediately put it down after I saw that it was just Ran. "God don't scare me like that, I could've hurt you" I said. Ran was frozen in place, so I just went around him and looked around the house for more dirty spots. After I finished cleaning everything I turned around and saw Ran starring at me with a wide Grin. I glared at him and then left to go to the bathroom to get all the germs off me that could've landed on me while I cleaned the whole fucking house.

When I opened the bathroom door, I saw a half-naked Rindou, I blushed and quickly shut the door while yelling "Jesus Christ, next time lock the fucking door". I rushed to my room and shut the door. My face was still red. I shook my head a thousand of times to get my thoughts about what I saw out of my head which didn't exactly work. Someone knocked and said, "The bathroom is free if you want to use it, nows the time." I opened the door and saw Rindou standing there. I walked past him and went to the bathroom. In there I locked the door and double checked if it was really locked than I got my clothes off and neatly laid them on the washing machine that was standing there. Then I got into the shower, I turned it on and let the water run down my body after I was completely wet, I turned to the shampoos. I looked around and face palmed myself I forgot my shower stuff in the guest room, I guess I'll have to use the ones here. I smelled all of them. I used the lavender smell on my hair and then I used a blueberry smell on my body. After I washed all of the shampoo off, I went out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel after I finished. I wanted to grab some clothes but noticed that I had forgotten fresh clothes. Again, I mentally face palmed myself. So, I wrapped the towel around myself and opened the bathroom door, I looked left and then right and when the coast was clear, I quickly sneaked into the guestroom. In there I let out a loud sigh, I got to one of the cases I had with me and pulled some underwear, leggings and an oversized hoodie out.

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(Imagine the pants in black (: )

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(Imagine the pants in black (: )

After I put the clothes on and left the room, I went back to the kitchen. 
In the Kitchen I saw Rindou looking around and inspecting everything I cleaned. "Haru did you clean all this?" He asked me I nodded. "I always thought you were the messy guy haha" Ran added. I glared at him a bit and said "Well, I want to make one thing clear with you two, if I ever see so much dirt again, I'll leave the house." Both brothers looked at each other and then nodded at me. Ran gave me some kind of look, did he know about my germaphobia.

Well anyways I was craving for some pickles. So, I turned around and looked everywhere for some pickles and finally I found a glass full of pickles,I took it and Then I went to the dining table where I sat down and ate some pickles.

To be continued

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