Chapter 2

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Narrator's pov

Taiju was at the entrance of the train, he was about to attack when he accidently sniffed the air, he could smell the distressed and scared pheromones coming from Sanzu. And somehow, he felt like it was against his religion to attack these two, not that he'll admit it, So he acted like something else catches his eyes and he left the two alone knowing that the Omega clearly shouldn't be here.

Kakucho let out a deep breath, he turned around to Sanzu and asked, "Are you ok?". Sanzu only nodded.

He was relieved that the tall alpha left. If he would have to fight him, then it was definitely over for the child in his belly.

Kakucho sat down again and released his calming pheromones once again. Sanzu slowly relaxed his body. And like that they waited for the fight to end.

Time skip

The fight was finally over, our Romeo and Julia aka Mikey and Takemichi finally settled the fight with Takemichi winning. The two agreed to fuse the two gangs together. And Mikey was finally able to defeat his dark impulse once and for all. Some members of the Kanto Manji gang and the 2 gen of Toman had to be taken to the hospital because of either broken bones or head injuries.

It was when Mikey, Takemichi and some others were alone that Takemichi remembered Sanzu and Kakucho. He quickly looked over to the train and started to walk towards it. A confused Mikey following close behind him. When they reached the train, Mikey could smell the familiar scent of strawberries. He immediately knew it was Sanzu. He rushed into the train and saw Sanzu sitting there with Kakucho, he also noticed that Kakucho was releasing calming pheromones. Mikey was confused on why Sanzu's scent was revealed and why he looked so distressed and pale. Mikey was worried about his childhood friend, he knows that Haru isn't as strong as others.
He knows that Sanzu is hiding behind a mask ever since he was manipulated into killing Mucho by his Impulsive. He still remembers how broken Sanzu looked after he had killed Mucho. Mikey felt guilt, he felt like this was all his fault if only he hadn't had these dark impulses. Maybe than Haru wouldn't have his scars, maybe than draken, Baji and Emma would be still alive. And maybe then Izana wouldn't be in a comma.

Mikey snapped out of his thoughts and quickly released his calming pheromones too since Sanzu seemed to tense up again. But Sanzu quickly relaxed again when Mikey also released his pheromones. They stayed like this a bit longer until Sanzu fell asleep,

"Can you carry him back to the headquarters for me and put him in the spare room?"

Mikey asked Kakucho. Kakucho nodded and left with Sanzu on his back.

Time skip

Sanzu's pov

I woke up in a bed. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in the spare room of the headquarters. I was confused at first to why I was here but then I remembered that I had fallen asleep because of the calming pheromones of Mikey and Kakucho fused together.

I got up from the bed and went to some clothes which were laying on the chair beside of the bed.
I got them on and left the room. I went to the kitchen that was in the headquarters and opened the fridge only to see sweets in there. I went through all the cabins but we only had chips and other snacks here.

I really had these carvings for Nutella and lemons...I grabbed the Nutella and then asked myself if someone else was here.

To be continued

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