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"Shoot it's Magnus's birthday today! What am I going to do?!" Alec yelled, pulling his black hair.
"Well I don't know.. you've been pacing around the Institute asking yourself that question over and over again."Jace complained.
"Why don't you get him any glittery or something ?"Clary suggested. She had her fingers intertwined with Jace's.
Alec's blue eyes shone. "That's it Clary! You're a genius!"he exclaimed. He raced out the door to Magnus's apartment before any of them could reply. "By the way, where's Izzy?" "Where else? Probably with Simon."Jace replied.
Magnus had left the door open for Alec. He was hoping that Alec would visit him. He glanced at the door and sighed. He only had Chairman Meow for company. He stood up and sighed, walking over to the door to shut it.
"WAIT MAGNUS DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR!!!!" Magnus looked up immediately and turned red. He saw Alec panting at his doorstep. "M-M-Magnus..."he panted. "Happy Birthday... " he grinned and bent on the ground, choking.
Magnus smiled and bent down beside Alec. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Alec's. Magnus burrowed his face into Alec's neck. He smelled of soap and deodorant.
Magnus lifted Alec into his arms and brought him to the sofa. "M-magnus?! What are you doing?!" Magnus didn't give him an answer. Instead he began to kiss Alec again. He He lay Alec in the sofa and pushed him down.
Magnus pulled off Alec's grey sweater. His bare abs showed off. Magnus thought Children of the Angel are not only blessed with powers of Runic magic... they are also blessed with great abs.
"Magnus... Wait..."Alec pushed Magnus up. A hurt look flashed on Magnus's face. Alec pulled a chain from his pocket. The word "Magnus" hung from it. It was covered in glitter and shone under the lights. Alec hung it around Magnus's neck. "Happy Birthday, Magnus," he whispered into Magnus's ear.
Magnus looked at him and down at the chain. He held it between his fingers and hugged Alec. "Thanks, sweet pea..." he whispered back and kissed Alec.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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