Third Person POV
On the waters off Lokevasa

At around a kilometre away from the Romadians, Henry got on the loud speaker of the Stosscl and warned, "Attention, Romadian vessels! This is the Chirunan Expeditionary Fleet. You are currently breaching the waters belonging to Marinse. Retreat, or... There shall be consequences..."

Henry added the last part to at least scare to Romadians into retreating, but to no avail.

Admiral Corrado instead ordered the ships to charge towards the outnumbered Chirunan fleet.

A ballista aboard a Romadian warship fired its bolt, only to ricochet off the CNS Stosscl. Seeing as the Romadians fired first, the Chirunans retaliated in self defense.

The 40 mm cannons of the Sverfiskur-classes and the 76 mm of the both Umdæmi-classes and Stosscl-classes fired their shells. The programmable 3P ammunition of the 40 mm cannons was set to impact mode for surface targets.

The Romadians didn't expect this kind of firepower from the Chirunans as their many of their ships are sunk every second. Suddenly, the Chirunans stopped firing, after sinking around 90 ships.

Corrado then says, "Hah! It seems they'll need some time to recharge! You there!", he points to a manacom operator, "Order the Wyvern Corps to send in all of their wyverns!"

"A-All of them!? But then there'll be no wyverns left!"

"Are you defying my order? This shall be a decisive battle for us and the Chirunans. Whoever wins this shall control the seas. And I will take whatever risk is involved. Now call the Wyvern Corps and tell them to send them damn wyverns!"

"G-Got it, sir!", the young manacom operator stumbles over his words in fear.

After sending the message, the Wyvern Corps responded that they'll be sending in 120 wyverns, leaving only 15 to defend the capital along with 30 others of the Royal Wyvern Squadron.

Chirunan POV
15 minutes later (1535 hour), aboard CNS Stosscl

The Chirunans ceased their fire to see if the Romadians would retreat from the first attack and yet, they didn't.

Just as Henry was about to ponder how stubborn these Romadians are, a radar operator reports; "Sir. I've spot approximately 120 bogeys on the radar, possibly wyverns. Their ETA is 12 minutes."

Henry replied, "I see they're bringing their air force into this. This shall be a legendary battle! Order the ships to prepare AAMs and other air defences. If possible, request air support from the Air Force."

"On it, sir!", the crews of the ship then followed his orders.

The Chirunan fleet readied their anti-air weapons, the 40 mm cannon gunners on the Sverfiskur-classes programmed the fuzes on the 3P shells to "gated proximity mode", suitable for air defence.

They also received air support from the Air Force as 6 KAI FA-50 fighter jets are on their way to the fleet's position at around 11 minutes away.

The aerial warfare of this battle is about to begin.

9 minutes later, above the skies of southwestern Marinse

6 KAI FA-50 fighter jets are on their way to the Chirunan Expeditionary Fleet as they're engaging the Romadian fleet. Their orders were to "eliminate as many wyverns as possible and provide close air support for the fleet below".

The leader of the flight, with the callsign Hawk-1, spoke on the radio;

"Hey, fellas. Do you think these wyverns are like the ones in fantasy stories?"

Hawk-3 responded, "I for sure hope it is. It looks cool as hell but its a shame we'll have to shoot them down."

Hawk-2 also spoke, "Man, I was in a middle of a date with this elf chick! Then the higher ups ordered me to be on this flight! Damn those Romadians!"

The rest of the pilots laughed. "What a lucky bastard, getting himself an elf girlfriend while we're out here having no bitches. Damn, I wish I had your luck, man", Hawk-4 spoke.

Then, their radar showed hundreds of dots, meaning that the wyverns are now in range.

Hawk-1, trying to tell the flight to focus, said, "Hey, guys, focus. The bogeys are within range. Fire when I order to, alright?"

The rest of the flight obeyed his order.

As they got a bit closer, Hawk-1 ordered, "Alright lads! Fox two! Fox two!"

The jets then fired their 2 of their Sidewinder missiles towards the wyvern formation. After a few seconds, all of the missiles make contact with the target, bringing the total count of wyverns down to 110.

When they reached within cannon range from the wyverns, they fired it, ripping the wyverns to shreds, bringing the count down to 100.

Hawk-1 then ordered, "Alright, Hawk-1 to 3 will combat these wyverns in the air while Hawk-4 to 6 will help the fleet down there."

The rest flight said "roger" before splitting the flight into two groups. Group Alpha (Hawk-1) began lighting up the wyverns with their missiles and cannons. The wyverns could escape the cannons, but it would be almost impossible for them to avoid the missiles.

Down at the naval battle below, Group Charlie (Hawk-4) began strafing the ships with their cannons, some exploding as the shots hit the magic gems reserves beneath the deck.

The wyvern counts are at 76 and the ship counts are at 900, both of the numbers are decreasing fast.

Eventually, the jets ran out of both missiles and cannon ammunition, causing them to return back to base. With the jets gone, the fleet began firing at the wyverns.

At first, the ships fired their missiles at the wyverns. Some of them tried to dodge it but the missile kept following them and killing them.

As the wyverns got closer, the Sverfiskur-classes fired their 40 mm cannons into the sky, exploding and killing many wyverns. By now, the wyvern count is at 29.

Seeing as almost a hundred of their own is now dead, the wyverns began retreating, which marks the end of the aerial battle.

The ships then turned their fire to the Romadian ships again, sinking lots of them easily. The Romadians had 580 ships left before the Chirunans ceased their fire when they saw something being flown on top of the largest ship.

The Romadian warship, possibly the capital ship, raised a white flag, signalling their surrender.

This marks the end of the Naval Battle off Lokevasa.

Lokevasa POV

Upon witnessing the end of the battle, the villagers cheered as the Chirunans managed to defend the Marinsean waters against the Romadians.

The blue haired girl, Ixie, then muttered "Damn, I guess it was a right choice to bring them here" before leaving the village.

The girl was never seen again.


A/N: another battle, this time on the oceans. who is the blue haired girl? you guys would probably know (if you have read the old ACS).

y'all know what im gonna say here, so just stay hydrated and see ya.

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