Chapter 245: The Fall of a Genius Painter

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"Tongtong, we know that you have a good relationship with Su Ying, but plagiarism is unforgivable. The competition party has already said plagiarism. It must have been in contact with the school. By then, the school will definitely remember the big mistake. Go to Beijing. The students of the City Academy of Art used plagiarism to participate in the original competition, which sounds terrible.

As a member of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, this student felt that the school would not stand still. If Su Ying hadn't plagiarized, the school would have said something, which proved that the matter was true.

Su Ying's work is indeed plagiarized, so the school chose to be silent.

"...Always let Su Ying ask." Mu Tongtong bit her lip and was also upset. How could a good work become plagiarism?

Su Ying walked out of the dormitory and the destination was the principal's room. On this road, she had to pass the teaching building. Along the way, if the people around looked at him with seemingly nonexistent gazes, if it was the original Su Ying, she would think The other party had envious, jealous and hateful eyes, but now, Su Ying only felt that these people's eyes were full of contempt and mockery, and Su Ying only felt anxious.

She walked quickly, trying to forget the gaze behind her, and her upset mood made her think about other things.

Soon I arrived at the principal's office. Principal Meng is a very kind principal. Some students can come to Principal Meng if they encounter painting problems. So when I came here, a student just came out of Principal Meng's office, Su Ying He also called a report, and Principal Meng soon let people in.

"Principal Meng..."

Su Ying's eyes were red, and she just felt that she was coming along this way. Many people looked at her with contempt. Su Ying's cheeks were hot and her heartbeat was ashamed, but she clearly did not plagiarize, she just glanced at her. , And then drew a picture...

"Student Su Ying, right?" Principal Meng recognized Su Ying at a glance, and sighed when he thought of the relationship between this child and Long Xiao, but this child can't be like this. Plagiarism is about character. Is it so embarrassing if you look at other people's things and just use them like this?

"Principal Meng, I want to ask about the Tulip Cup competition. I was clearly 36 in the past, but why did the Tulip Cup competition say that my work was plagiarized? I didn't plagiarize it. It was a painting that I drew myself. "

Some anxiously explained, Su Ying stood there, very wronged, her eyes flushed slightly, she could see that the little girl seemed to be really wronged.

Principal Meng raised his eyes to look at Su Ying, but he didn't expect that the little girl didn't know what was going on, so she spoke.

"Student Su Ying, regarding the Tulip Cup competition, the Tulip Cup competition party has notified our school. After 30 professional national first-level painters appraised it, your work "Sakura" is indeed plagiarized. I do not I know where you have seen the original painting, but I want to tell you that the "Sakura" you copied happened to be the work of our school teacher Long Xiao. This incident was also reflected by the buyer of this "Sakura" to the competition team. Yes, they came to this conclusion after comparing the original painting."

Principal Meng was also very surprised when he learned about this, but he can't let the plagiarism go unpunished. Moreover, according to Teacher Zheng, Teacher Zheng has already met Su Ying and gave her the last chance.

"I don't want to hide it from you. When Long Xiao painted this "Sakura", he wanted to give it to Teacher Zheng. Teacher Zheng told me that she has asked you if this painting is an original work. If you admitted that it was plagiarism at the time, Mr. Zheng would give you a chance and would not notify the competition team directly, but you did not admit it. Instead, you said that the work belonged to you, so Mr. Zheng brought the original painting to contact with the competition team. We don't know where you saw the original painting of "Sakura", but your plagiarism has already had a clear result."

Listening to Principal Meng's words, Su Ying's face became paler, her eyes were very flustered, and there was no trace of blood. This appearance was obviously guilty of conscience, which proved that Principal Meng's words were true, she herself I didn't plagiarize one bite by one. In fact, I knew in my heart what she took away.

Principal Meng looked at the changes in Su Ying's face and understood that this girl might have actually seen the original painting or draft of "Sakura", otherwise she would not have drawn such a picture completely similar to "Sakura". heartless.

"In addition, the fact that you used plagiarism to participate in the original painting competition has also had a certain impact on our school. Therefore, the school will also conduct a comprehensive notification and record you once. I hope that Su Ying will stick to the original in the future. Any plagiarism, any art is sacred, and the plagiarism on this road will only cause fire."

For such a young child, Principal Meng couldn't say too much, but these words were enough to make Su Ying's cheeks red again, and her ashamed cheeks became hot.

Until the end, Su Ying didn't know how she got out of the principal's office.

She feels that although Principal Meng's words are gentle, they are in her heart like needles, which makes her unable to refute, especially when she thinks that her work is copied from Long Xiao's work, she is even more ashamed. When I walked out of the principal's office, the whole person was in a mess.

Yes, except for those famous painters, there is only Teacher Long that can be so treasured by his mother in the collection room, right?

Do not! She can go to Teacher Long! As long as Teacher Long does not pursue this matter, the school will definitely not report it...

The Tulip Cup incident has been irretrievable, but when the school thought of reporting and recording the big demerit, all students would know about this incident, and Su Ying could not accept it.

She took out her mobile phone and hurriedly called her mother.

Xia Meng didn't even know that her daughter had participated in the Tulip Cup competition, let alone copied Long Xiao's work, so she was very surprised when she received the call.

"Mom, please, can you come to Teacher Long? The school will give me a big mistake. By then everyone will know that my work is based on Teacher Long. You and Teacher Long were first lovers before, and he will definitely do it. I'm soft-hearted to you, mom, please..."

Hearing the cry from the daughter on the phone, Xia Meng's expression condensed. She didn't expect her daughter to do such a stupid thing, and thought of the man with a hard heart, even if he knew he would not agree, Xia Meng still said.

"You wait, I will go over to deal with this matter today."

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