Hope is Not the Goal

Start from the beginning

"No. Not yet", Rafael says. "Everybody's been talking about some missing girls from your old high school".

"Well, do you think they're gonna kick me out?", Landon asks.

"They gave you some clothes", Rafael says. "I think that's a good sign".

"From 1993".

"Come one, man. We have both been places where nobody wanted us before", Rafael says. You know the drill".

"Yeah, keep my head down, make myself useful, don't pick fights", Landon says.

"Exactly. We need today to go well, Lan", Rafael says.

"No, we need today to go perfect", Landon says. "Otherwise, I'm good as gone".

"Landon. You got a minute?", Alaric asks, walking by Rafeal and Landon's room. "I think you might be sleep use today".

"Um, yeah, sure", Landon says.

Rafael and Landon walks out the room when they see Lea walking past.

"Ms. Bennet. Bus leaves in 5", Alaric says.

"Mr. Saltzman. I said no", Lea says. "Hi. I'm Lea Bennet. I don't know if your remeber me?".

"I do. You were part of the welcome committee", Landon says.

"Yeah. I see your joining the other students. Good luck. And hopefully, you get to stay", Lea says. "Hey, wolfie".

Lea walks away before Rafeal could speak.

"No", Alaric says.
"Mystic Fall, we got claws. On the field, you'll hear us roar. rawr", the cheerleaders cheered.

The students who volunteered plus Landon went to Mystic Falls High, to find out what happened to the missing students.

"Sorry. Sorry", Landon says, as he bumped into Lizzie.

"I was making an entrance, mopehead", Lizzie says.

"Sorry. I just had a...a flashback to my freshman year here", Landon says.

"Girls are missing, so get your wedgie trauma in check or leave", Lizzie says.

"He's fine now. Let it go", Hope says.

"Okay, here the deal. Landon, you talk to any of the people you still know from when you went here", Lizzie says. "Hope, you try to not deliberately alienate the entire student body while the rest of us save the world".

"This isn't a contest, Lizzie", Hope says.

"You're right. Its a mission for a hero and her league of...whatever", Lizzie says.

"Yeah. Screw that. I work alone", Kaleb says.

"MG, I need your compulsion skills. Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?", Lizzie asks.

"Actually, Batwoman doesn't have a Robin", MH says.

"Metaphor, nerd. Let's go, okay", Lizzie tells MG, leaving Hope and Landon alone.
Salvatore lunch room...
Josie and Lea were at the table studying and talking.

"You think Alaric will let Landon stay at the school?", Lea asks.

"No. Dad doesn't thinks he's supernatural", Josie says.

"A human can't be compelled unless their injestested with vervain and a supernatural can't be compelled. I think he's supernatural", Lea says. "It's interesting".

"You like interesting. My dad doesn't", Josie says.


Rafael sits next to Josie and across from Lea.

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