Chapter 238: The Fall of a Genius Painter

Start from the beginning

Principal Meng said, in fact, paintings are not as high-end and elegant as many Ou Tongren said, because everyone is ordinary people who want to eat, and their paintings can have a very good price, which is for the painter. It is also a very happy thing.

Because of this money, they can live a good life and get more paintings.

This is mutual, so excellent painters must not only stick to their own ideas, but also integrate modern styles and trends. Only in this way can they survive in this industry.

As for those who have always been stubborn, maybe some people have been doing nothing all their lives, feeling that they will not be liked by others, and feel that God is unfair.

But there is still one in ten million, perhaps like many painters who have lived through the ages, only after they died did they have their own names.

It's a pity, what's the use of a person's name after death?

"This is good, I like it, just her."

Long Xiao nodded, and after seeing a few paintings, this "Maple" really touched him. This painting carries the bleakness of autumn, but it has a kind of gentleness of autumn, which makes people feel comfortable after seeing it. Maybe It's different from many paintings that like to pursue a sense of incompleteness, but Long Xiao likes it.

"This? Okay, this student's name is Qiao Mohan. Here's the information..."

The two were discussing about the next apprentice, and in Long Xiao's home, in a quiet and huge studio, three people occupied three corners respectively, and they were all painting quietly.

Tulip Cup has released the official news on its official website. The competition time is from this month to next month, one month's time for painting, and then next month's first voting by netizens. Only those who are voted in the top 100 by netizens will be able to participate. In the follow-up review, the evaluation comes from major art painters, including many outstanding talents from the national art department. Every year, this Tulip Cup is the most golden.

In the early years, everyone felt that voting by netizens was too sloppy, but later everyone discovered that this netizen is not your ordinary netizen who can vote!

Before you want to vote, you must first register as a member of the Tulip Cup. This member requires you to show your education and personal appreciation ability. In the early years, everyone even wrote an article about famous paintings in order to join the Tulip Cup. Appreciating essays, so anyone who has the ability to vote must be a person who has the ability to appreciate it, and must be a person who has graduated from an art-related university.

This directly prevented ordinary netizens from voting, and then went to the national art department to vote in person, and then announced the top ten outstanding young painters for reward. This is a very golden competition.

And the most important thing is that any painter who can get the top ten scores in the Tulip Cup can get the membership of the Tulip Association. This status directly makes a person plated with gold, and it is getting more and more from their success. near.

The other is to be able to join the National First-Class Painters Association, which is also a name that people are eager for. Therefore, the annual Tulip Cup can be said to be a place for people to become famous.

The three of them have not yet begun to prepare to participate in the Tulip Cup paintings. At this time, they are just painting casually. Seeing that it is noon, Jiang Mowan came over and called them to eat.

"It's noon, let's eat first, and paint in the afternoon."

In fact, Jiang Mowan knew that the three of them did not paint at all. The so-called tulip cup has no propositions and no requirements. As long as you meet the entry requirements, you can use your own work to enter the competition, whether it can pass the public aesthetics, and then pass the teacher's It is very difficult for aesthetics to achieve the top ten results.

Jiang Mowan once participated in the Tulip Cup, but at that time it was ranked only over fifty. Her paintings were not very good.


Su Xian's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Jiang Mowan. Both Wu Yanbai and Yan Hongwei were a little serious. After all, they thought of the tasks assigned by the teacher and the competition that was about to start soon. Both of them paid too much attention to this competition.

After finally applauding, they didn't want to be ashamed in front of Long Xiao.

"There is still a period of time for the game. You can take your time, don't worry, eat first."

Greeting these three children to eat, Jiang Mowan hadn't got along with a child of this age for a long time. She couldn't let go of it. But after getting along with these children for a month, she also found that these three children are very sensible and still Making her laugh at every turn made Jiang Mowan like these three children even more.

"Mom, can I paint you?"

Su Xian suddenly raised her head to ask Jiang Mowan, those black eyes were full of expectation, and Jiang Mowan was also taken aback, and then said in surprise.

"Does Axian want to paint a mother? Of course, it is possible, but if you participate in the competition this time, it is better not to draw a figure painting. It is easy to suffer. If Axian likes her mother, she can draw a picture for her alone, okay? "

Jiang Mowan stretched out her hand and rubbed Su Xian's hair. She only felt that the child was very caring and the most comfortable to get along with.

She knows Su Xian's talent, so she hopes that Su Xian can play well this time and have a good result in this game.

"Yes." Su Xian nodded obediently, and everything listened to Jiang Mowan.

The two people on the side were in a much better mood when they saw the way the sister and the younger brother get along. They didn't think about painting anymore. Instead, they started to serve Su Xian with dishes, which can be said to be very warm.

In the afternoon, the three of them went quietly looking for inspiration. This time they were alone in each room. Jiang Mowan had nothing to do, so she remembered the baking biscuits that she hadn't made for many years, and she found ingredients and made biscuits for the children with the chef. , It seems that with these children, there is really no other cranky thinking.

On the school side, Long Xiao's personal open class, and many students have participated in this open class, and everyone looked at Long Xiao on the podium with scorching eyes.

"Today, I am very happy because I found a very good work. I appreciate the work of this student. I will also appreciate the work of this student with you today. Of course, this student is now In the class, I also hope that after she sees her work, she will carefully consider whether to be my closed disciple. Later I will ask this classmate to explain the source of inspiration for this work."

Long Xiao's words directly shocked everyone in this class.

Teacher Long is really about to accept apprentices again! And I will release this person's work later! But anyone who has given President Meng a painting is nervous, expecting this lucky person to be himself.

In the middle of the crowd, Su Ying was also very nervous, feeling her heart beating constantly, speeding up her speed, just thinking that the person chosen by Teacher Long was herself.

Then, in the expectation of everyone, Long Xiao opened the painting, revealing the fiery red and lingering maple...

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