Chapter 223: The vanity boyfriend

Start from the beginning

At this moment, Ji Xuefeng wished that the person who was successfully matched was himself. In this way, he would be able to donate his kidney to his younger brother as soon as possible.

"No no no~ Brother, I think you have misunderstood."

Shaking her head, Ji Xueling laughed, and looked at the excellent man in front of her, who used to be her eldest brother, but later discovered that this man could have other identities.

"I want to stay in Ji's family, not as a daughter. After all, my daughter will still marry in the future. I want a more confident and confident identity to stay in Ji's family. Brother, you should know what I'm talking about?"

There was something in her words, but Ji Xuefeng heard what she meant and refused directly.

"Impossible, it is impossible for parents to accept it."

Since his sister was lying in his arms that day, Ji Xuefeng knew that this sister who grew up together has changed and is no longer a sister. Therefore, it is impossible to agree to this matter. I am afraid that if parents knew about it, they would be sure. It is also unacceptable.

"No, parents must be acceptable for the sake of the younger brother. Besides, as long as the elder brother tells his parents, the eldest brother liked me first, and liked me from the beginning. If this is the case, my parents will definitely not object, do you think so? ?"

Ji Xueling knows that don't look at Ji Xuefeng's cold face all day long, but in his heart he values ​​the family the most, and he also values ​​his younger brother Ji Xueyang. He works so hard and knows that his younger brother Ji Xueyang cannot inherit the company in the future, so he works harder and hopes to give his younger brother more. Dividends.

For Ji Xueyang, he must be willing to do everything.

In the end, no one knows the result of this conversation, except that Ji Xueyang was still in a coma. He should have woken up after 24 hours of sleep, but he was still in a coma.


He kept calling his sister in a coma, there is no doubt who this sister is.

Because now Ji Xueyang has begun to call Ji Xueling Sister Xueling, this sister is naturally called Zhang Yufei.

Sitting in front of the hospital bed, Zhang Yufei took Ji Xueyang's hand and tried hard to warm his brother. Seeing his brother was sweating coldly, he quickly raised his brother to wipe his sweat. The Ji family husband and wife both had red eyes.

It was the next night again. Ji Xueyang had been in a coma for two full days. There was no sign of waking up. He just kept calling Zhang Yufei. No one knew whether he was dreaming after he was in a coma. But since he was dreaming, why did he again? Can't you wake up?

At night, in the family rest room of the hospital, the Ji family were all in it.

"Dad, Long Xiao and I went to make matching for my younger brother. This is the material. I successfully matched my younger brother."

Zhang Yufei almost couldn't wait to tell Ji Qinglin about the matter. She knew that Ji Xueling had also successfully matched the model, but she was afraid that the other party would not want this kind of thing to be voluntary, so she took the initiative to raise this matter.

"... Yu Fei."

With this information, Ji Qinglin's eyes are really red. Recently, due to their son's affairs, Ji Qinglin and Hui Yueru seem to have grown a lot of age, especially when their son is unconscious, and the two cannot rest. This year has passed. It's terrible.

"I'm willing to donate a kidney to Xueyang, mom and dad don't worry about it."

'Zhang Yufei spoke again, and Hui Yueru's tears fell all of a sudden, covering her mouth and crying, then stood up and cried with her arms around Zhang Yufei. She was really terrified and worried.

I was afraid that something would happen to Xueyang, and I was afraid that Xueyang's matching model could not be found, but now that her daughter suddenly grew out, Hui Yueru felt more distressed all of a sudden.

Ji Xueling was a little surprised. She immediately looked at Ji Xuefeng, but she was a little curious about what the other party would choose at this time.

If she can, Ji Xueling still doesn't want to donate her kidneys. This person has two kidneys in total. If one is donated, who knows whether it will have a big impact on the body in the future...

"Dad, Mom, Xueling is also willing to donate kidneys to her younger brother."

Ji Xuefeng also took the initiative to speak, looked at her mother and Zhang Yufei who were hugging each other, and said.

"My sister has been suffering outside for so many years. If she asks her to donate a kidney to her younger brother, her younger brother will be unhappy. Moreover, Xueling's matching model was successful before, and Xueling also promised me to donate her kidney to Xueyang. You can rest assured that there will be no problems."

Hearing this, Ji Xueling glanced at Zhang Yufei, who was held by her mother, and felt even more jealous. This Yufei is a good life, and her parents love her, even her eldest brother is unwilling to hurt her.

"Xueling, you are a good boy. Dad knows that you love Xueyang too. Don't worry. After this kidney donation, your parents will take good care of you and give you more things. Xueyang sacrificed his life. Father is really happy."

Ji Qinglin also looked at Ji Xueling gratefully. He was really grateful. In fact, in his opinion, if a matching type can be found, it is the best. If this is the case, everyone can not donate. But now, if you have to choose one, Ji Qinglin admits himself. Selfish and don't want to hurt his biological daughter Zhang Yufei, so I can only wrong Xueling.

"Dad, this is what I should do, even if it's for the eldest brother, I am willing to do it."

Ji Xueling nodded and took the initiative to mention Ji Xuefeng. This sentence is for the eldest brother, which makes everyone somewhat inexplicable.

Hui Yueru also looked at Ji Xueling a little strangely. It was obvious that the kidney donation was for the youngest son Ji Xueyang, so why did it become for Xuefeng?

Long Xiao had already noticed Ji Xuefeng's uncomfortableness and Ji Xueling's vague excitement, knowing that something was going to happen in it.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ji Xuefeng said coldly.

"Dad, Mom, I have been keeping this from you before. In fact, I have already liked Xueling. After Dad told me that Xueling is not my biological sister, the two of us secretly stayed together, just worried that you could not accept it. I didn't say it, so this time, Xueling donated her kidney to her younger brother willingly. After this incident, I want to marry her."

Such a remark directly confuses everyone present.

Ji Qinglin stared at the elder son in front of him blankly. He didn't understand how the eldest son got mixed up with the eldest daughter...

Hui Yueru couldn't believe all of this either. Her son, who has raised her for more than 20 years, got involved with her daughter and still fell in love? This sounds incredible.

Zhang Yufei was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the eldest brother to fall in love with Xueling, but the eldest brother doesn't seem very happy?

Long Xiao, who knew all of this, was not surprised to see that one thing finally developed in his memory.

Ji was for Ji Xueling to donate her kidney, so he said he wanted to marry her, right?

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