Chapter 214: The vanity boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"My brother, it's the Xueyang you saw yesterday. Didn't he get sick before? As a result, he got a nosebleed recently, and he got a nosebleed again after he went back last night. My dad wants to take us to check it out, A Xiao, Will you accompany me? See my dad by the way."

Zhang Yufei cared about her biological father, but she cared more about her boyfriend, so Zhang Yufei tried her best to avoid friction between her father and her boyfriend, and hoped that her father could accept her boyfriend, because A Xiao is really the best person in the world. .

"Well, it's okay, can I go to your house later? I just prepared some gifts, which I didn't have time to give to Xueyang yesterday."

Long Xiao nodded, knowing that this was Ji Xueyang's illness in his memory. Generally, as long as kidney failure is discovered, there is no specific medicine. What can be done is to find a matching type and exchange for a new kidney, because kidney failure is generally common. Both will fail, not that there is only one, so someone will need to donate a kidney at that time.

There are two kidneys in total. After donating one, you can still live a good life, but there are some sequelae.

When Long Xiao returned to China, he had already begun to prepare. He heard Zhang Yufei talk about Ji Xueyang many times. After returning to Ji's home, Yufei's favorite is Ji Xueyang. If Ji Xueyang gets sick, I am afraid Yufei will be very sad.

He was already prepared and would not let Ji Xueyang have any problems.

"En, A Xiao, I believe you are so good, Dad will like you." Zhang Yufei smiled while holding Long Xiao's arm, but added another sentence.

"Even if Dad doesn't like you, I will always like you. You are my most important person."

In Zhang Yufei's life, her adoptive parents were important. Later, when her adoptive parents passed away, she was with her. The person who guarded her was A Xiao, and the person who gave her spiritual support was A Xiao, so Zhang Yufei now recognizes her own life. Parents, but the most dependent person in my heart is Long Xiao.

"Don't worry, if your father likes you, he will like me."

People like to love houses and black trees. In Long Xiao's memory, Ji Qinglin was really good to Zhang Yufei. Although I don't know if the other party participated in the calculation of Zhang Yufei's kidney, Ji Qinglin gave everything to Zhang Yufei, but Hui Yueru gave it to Yufei. Dislike is as always.

"En en!" Zhang Yufei nodded happily, and after the two men cleaned up, they drove out.

In addition to them this time, there are gifts brought by the driver behind them. Among them, Ji Xueyang's Lego has several large boxes, all of which are limited edition Transformers abroad, which cannot be bought by domestic money.

In addition, there was also a meeting gift for Ji Qinglin, which was nothing to give to the elders. Long Xiao brought a lot of good wines, but none of the others.

He now wants to see who is the true pet and who is the false polite.

When he arrived at Yujing Anlan, Ji Xueyang came down to pick up the two, and when he saw so many limited edition Lego, the whole person went crazy!

"Brother-in-law, I like you so much! How do you know that I like Lego? Did your sister tell you? Sister, you are so kind! I love you to death!"

Seeing a lot of limited edition Lego, Ji Xueyang was a rainbow fart at Long Xiao and Zhang Yufei. He had two rooms in his house, dedicated to Lego. Zhang Yufei visited it and was very shocked, so he told her boyfriend about this.

"Okay, I'm grateful to put that thing on, and I'll go to the hospital later."

Seeing that his younger brother is happy, he is also happy, and Long Xiao also has a good feeling for this kid because of Ji Xueyang's words of brother-in-law.

No way, Ji Xueyang is too naive. An eighteen-year-old boy will not hide his behavior at all. It is very foolish to write everything he wants on his face.

When everyone went upstairs, they saw Ji Qinglin in a black suit at home. This...In order to see Long Xiao, Ji Qinglin also worked very hard, although the dark circles under her eyes could not be blocked.

"Dad, this is Long Xiao, my boyfriend, I told you before."

Zhang Yufei introduced her boyfriend, and Ji Qinglin nodded, somewhat indifferent.


He glanced at Long Xiao and found that this man was not useless, although he said that he was a Phoenix male, although he said he had a bad birth, but he did not look good, no wonder the daughter who could lie to him was so hard.

"Hello, uncle, I'm Long Xiao, I'm seeing you for the first time, so please give me more advice."

Long Xiao also greeted earnestly, seeing Ji Qinglin's disgust, but it's not surprising that the father who raised his daughter would like the son-in-law? Most of them are very repulsive at first sight.

"Forget the advice, the appointment time with the hospital is almost up, let's drive to the hospital first."

Ji Qinglin got up and wanted to give Long Xiao a shovel, but after all he was reluctant to embarrass her daughter. In the end, he said to go to the hospital and didn't pay much attention to Long Xiao. He was afraid that if he asked more questions, he would get angry easily, and the atmosphere would be even better. Embarrassed.

"Well, dad, let's go."

Zhang Yufei hugged her boyfriend's arm, nodded hurriedly, and then glanced at A Xiao apologetically, feeling that he had caused A Xiao to be wronged.

Long Xiao was very calm, smiling gently at Zhang Yufei, comforting her.

Then Ji Qinglin took his son and sat in the car. The car behind was a red Ferrari with Zhang Yufei and Long Xiao sitting in it.

"Have we seen this car before?" Ji Qinglin felt that the red car was a bit familiar.

"Yes, when I first saw my sister, wasn't it this red Ferrari? This car seems to belong to my sister."

Ji Xueyang didn't think so much, but a casual sentence directly frowned Ji Qinglin's brows. At that time, his daughter was still a cook in a barbecue restaurant. How could she have the money to buy a Ferrari?

On the way, Ji Qinglin thought for a long time, but still didn't figure it out. In the end, when he arrived at the hospital, it was not the place to ask about it, and he went to check his body under the leadership of the instructor.

"Since it's all here, please check it too. Young people don't pay attention to their bodies now, and they will suffer when they grow old."

For the first time, Ji Qinglin said to Long Xiao like this, although his attitude was a little softer.

In the end, three people checked together. It was a kind of full-body check, running from bottom to top. It took almost two hours to check so many checks.

The medical examination data of Long Xiao and Zhang Yufei came out immediately, and the results were very good. The two were in good health. However, Ji Xueyang's data was not available for a long time. Ji Qinglin couldn't help but worry. Even Zhang Yufei felt uneasy, as if there was something. Things are going to happen the same.

The doctor finally came over with the medical examination materials and asked.

"Who are Ji Xueyang's family members? We need to talk about it."

This sentence made Ji Qinglin's expression more serious. At this moment, Ji Xueyang went to the bathroom, and he quickly got up.

"It's me, doctor, what happened to my son?"

The doctor shook his head and took Ji Qinglin to the rest room on the side. Generally, this kind of illness cannot be directly told to the patient, but the patient's family should be notified first. Therefore, after arriving in the rest room, he put the patient data map on the small screen and said.

"The patient's family member, have you seen the picture I am showing you now? This place is the patient's two kidneys. It now has obvious symptoms of contraction. This is generally a phenomenon of renal failure. After a preliminary conclusion, the patient It is very likely that you have already suffered from mild kidney failure and it is getting worse."

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