He's back

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Belly woke up the next day, her eyes still hurting from all the crying yesterday night, she did her morning routine as she put on her jacket and opened the door of her room, and downstairs, she saw Melissa sipping on whatever she had in the cup, Belly wouldn't even be shocked if that was tequila

She made her way towards the kitchen as she prepared herself some waffles before sitting down across from Melissa, none of them spoke a word, Belly not wanting to talk to her and Melissa too scared to talk

"Belly you're up!" they heard Martin exclaim as he was dressed in a formal suit

"Yeah, where are you going?" she asked him before putting her half eaten breakfast away

"Work" he answered as he grabbed an apple

"Can you drop me? I need to go see a friend" she asked making him nod as the both walked outside the door, Belly not sparing a glance towards Melissa, they got into Martin's car as he started driving

"Where do you want me to drop you?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road

"Old cherry road if you can, or anywhere nearby" she replied

"Yeah sure, but who lives there?" he smirked at her "Your boyfriend?" he asked she denied almost instantly"Your crush" he said nodding to himself

"No dad! It's not my boyfriend or a crush!" she said before chuckling, wanting to hide her sadness or whatever

"Yea sure I believe that" He said before stopping the car as she got out "Alright, don't get into his bedroom!" he said making her give him a disgusted look "Remember I love you alright?" he said

"Yeah, I love you too dad" she said as she made her way to the house knocking on the door, several moments later and nobody answered she knocked again as the door opened revealing Max

"Belly? What are you doing here?" Max asked worried, making Belly's smile drop

"I came here to see you, I missed you" Belly explained as Max pulled the girl inside the house "El?" she asked as soon as she saw the girl "What's going on, are you guys alright?"

"We're okay, it's Billy" Max said


"Okay, okay, um what the hell" Belly said as panick was taking over her by the second "So um, about the life guard..."

"Heather" Max informed the girl sitting on the corner of her bed as El sat on another, Belly was pacing across the room

"Yeah Heather, we need to go to the swimming pool and ask about her" she nodded to herself taking deep breaths

The three went out and took their bikes out, they happened to find two bikes, Belly not having one ended up biking while El sat on the same bike behind the girl, they biked to the swimming pool, El wearing a red raincoat as Max wore a yellow one, Belly in her usual clothes as 'she doesn't need anything to protect her' she quoted

"You both go I'll wait here, that guy on the counter or whatever doesn't like me very much" Belly spoke

"Why?" Max asked "Belly what did you do?"

cuz you and i - [Max Mayfield]Where stories live. Discover now